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Pronunciation of each term is given with its meaning. The syllable that gets the accent is in CAPITAL LETTERS. Terms in SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS are defined elsewhere in the glossary.
ABDOMEN (AB-do-men): space below the chest that contains organs such as the stomach, liver, intestines, and gallbladder. Also called the ABDOMINAL CAVITY, the abdomen lies between the diaphragm and the pelvis (hip bone).腹部,位于胸腔之下,内含诸如胃,肝脏,大小肠和胆囊等。腹部又叫腹腔,它起于隔膜,止于盆骨。Lined by a serous membrane, the peritoneum. Pendulous. A condition in which the anterior parto th eabdominal wall hangs down over the pubis. Scaphoid. A hollowing of the anterior wall commonly seen in grossely emaciated people.
ABDOMINAL (ab-DOM-i-nal): pertaining to the abdomen.腹部的
ABDOMINAL CAVITY (ab-DOM-i-nal KAV-ih-te): see ABDOMEN.腹腔
ABNORMAL (ab-NOR-mal): pertaining to being away (AB-) from the norm; irregular.非常态
ABDUCENT leading away from the midline, muscle the eternal rectus muscle of the eye, which rotates it away outward.
ABERRATION deviation from the normal.
ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME (ah-KWI-erd im-u-no-deh-FISH-en-se SIN-drom) or AIDS: suppression or deficiency of the immune response caused by exposure to the HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV).获得性免疫缺陷综合症,简称爱滋病。它是指当病人受到人类免疫缺陷病毒,即艾滋病毒的感染时,不能做出恰当的免疫反应。
ACROMEGALY (ak-ro-MEG-ah-le): enlargement of extremities as a result of thickening of the bones and soft tissues; it is caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland (after completion of puberty).肢端巨大症,(青春期之后)由于脑垂体发出的人体成长荷尔蒙的过渡分泌。引起人体软组织和骨骼肥大,导致肢端肥大症。
ACUTE (ah-KUT) sharp, sudden, and intense for a short period of time. 急性短期突发症
ADENECTOMY (ad-eh-NEK-to-me): the removal of a gland.切除腺的手术。
ADENITIS (ad-en-NI-tis): inflammation of a gland.腺体发炎。
ADENOCARCINOMA (ah-deh-no-kar-sih-NO-mah): cancerous tumor derived from glandular cells.来自腺体细跑的恶性肿瘤。
ADENOIDECTOMY (ah-deh-noyd-EK-to-me): removal of the ADENOIDS.腺样体切除术。
ADENOIDS (AD-eh-noidz): enlarged lymphatic ti
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