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研究生英语课程(上册) Unit 1 Science and the Scientific Attitude 1. 大家用各种各样的理由来解释他手头宽裕的原因。 All sorts of theories were put forward to account for his apparent affluence. 法律的不健全往往助长了商业上的不正之风。 The ineffective law generally puts a premium on business dishonesty. 他们基本上同意了那项提议,但我们仍需要商定条件。 They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms. 实际上,大多数飞机不是晚点,就是比时间表稍稍提前到达。 In practice, most planes either are delayed or arrive slightly ahead of schedule. 进出境物品的所有人应当向海关如实申报,并接受海关查验。 All inbound and outbound articles shall be accurately declared with the Customs by the owner, and be subjected to Customs examination. 如果你听不到相反消息的话,我们将在7点钟在电影院外面会面。 If you don’t hear something to the contrary, I’ll meet you at 7:00 o’clock outside the cinema. 7.他在执行职务中遇到了许多阻力。 In the prosecution of his duties he had met with a good deal of resistance. 无知是怎样与恐惧、贪婪相联的? What does ignorance have to do with greed and fear? Unit 3 Engineering 他们说这是世界上首次成功对鸽子进行这种试验,希望这种技术可以在将来得到应用。 They claim that it is the first successful experiment on a pigeon worldwide and hope that the technology can be put to practical use in the future. 人类对于各种各样的自然现象,已经有了很不平常的理解。 Man had achieved a remarkable understanding of a wide variety of natural phenomena. 对发展中国家将产生的后果是从问题棘手发展为问题严重。 The consequences for developing countries would range from awkward to grim. 决不让琼卷入任何不正常的事,甚至连存在任何不正常的事都不能让她知道。 Joan mustn’t be involved in any funny business, mustn’t even know that there was any funny business. 制药工厂不能,也不应该,的确更不要打算在用药问题上医生们负有教育的责任。 The pharmaceutical industry cannot, should not, and indeed does not purport to be responsible for the education of physicians in the use of drugs. 如果你还想飞黄腾达,就必须创造出自己的特色不可。 If you want to move up into the big time, you’ve got to create a character of your own. 为与人共事,要自己无理,别人都对;为增广见闻,要事事好奇,处处学习。 To work with others, act as if they are right and you are wrong. To increase knowledge, be curious about everything. 每次任务我都完成得既快又好,我的经理称赞我,说我是“部门的财富”和“真正的专家”。 In this position,


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