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Translation Still, China had changed dramatically in the decade since most of them had left. The nation now offered more personal freedoms and economic opportunities than ever before. And it desperately needed elite managers like them. (Lesson 2) 然而,在他们大多数人离开的后十年中中国已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。和从前相比,人民现在享有更多国家赋予的个人自由以及经济机遇。中国急需他们这样的精英管理者。 The increase in life expectancy they’ve seen could slow down or turn around. (Lesson 3) 他们所见证过的对生活的期望的增长可能会减缓或是往相反的方向发展 Players can move their armies once each day, and the game software calculates the result of clashes with an algorithm that gives a slight edge to defenders. (Lesson 6) 在这个游戏中,玩家可以每天调动一次他们的军队,每次战争的结果则由游戏软件用一种给防御者带来微弱优势的算法记录下。 Of course, that’ s not the impression you get from the $500-million-a-year college-admission industry, with its magazine rankings, test prep courses, and guide-books. (Lesson 7) 当然, 那并不是你通过其杂志排名,考前辅导班以及考试指南对这个年产值五亿美元的高校入学产业所产生的印象, The same traits that made the students desirable candidates for admission to Yale—ambition, intelligence, wit—carried over to the workplace, where they are duly ( and comparably ) rewarded, even through they had turned down an elite education . (Lesson 7) 那些将学生塑造成为耶鲁配受青睐的候选人的共同优点,例如;志向,智慧,才思,继续为其工作所用,这使他们相对与旁人得到更多的奖励,即使他们已不再接受精英教育 If the economy teeters into recession this year, it will be because the hardy American consumer—who accounts for 70 percent of economic activity—has finally hit the wall. (Lesson 8) 如果今年经济摇摇晃晃进入衰退,那则是因为占美国经济活动百分之七十的消费者的支付能力已达到极限。 If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of out founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. (Lesson 9) 如果有任何人质疑美国是否是一个一切既然有可能的国家,仍旧在琢磨我们国家的先驱的梦想是否还存活在我们的时代,还有那些仍旧质疑民主的力量的人,今夜你们将找到答案 Terrorism in not an enemy but a technique of warfare-political intimidation through the killing of unarmed noncombatants.(Lesson 13) 恐怖主义并不是我们的敌人,而是通过手无寸铁的平民的屠杀而达到其利用战争达到政治威胁的手段 The culture of fear is lik


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