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难句解释 China’s Growth Poses Opportunity and Risk 1. Japan has effectively run out of low-wage workers for its industries, and quickly brought much of its economy up to and in some cases beyond Western technological standards. 日本在工业方面实际上已无低工资的工人可用了,它已快速地将其经济的相当部分提升到,并在某些方面超越了西方的技术标准。 2. But while the danger poses by Japan to other economies over the last decade has taken on the numbing form of economic stagnation and political lassitude, China poses the risk of fast , fast sharp shocks. 但是正当日本在过去十年中对其他经济体构成的威胁呈现出经济迟滞、政治上无所作为的麻木状态时,中国的威胁却是迅猛而又令人惊心的。 3. Its transition from a planned economy to a form of capitalism seems to make it especially susceptible to economic booms and busts, and Chinese officials have begun worrying that an unsustainable bubble is developing. 它由计划经济向某种形式的资本主义的转变似乎使之特别容易受到经济荣衰的影响;中国的官员开始担忧,不可持续的泡沫正在形成。 4. China’s strengths are indeed impressive. Its wage advantage is much greater than Japan’s was a decade or two ago, China has the diplomatic muscle to resist trade and currency concessions that might undermine its competitive edge. 中国的力量确实令人印象深刻。它在工资方面的优势要比一二十年前日本在这方面的优势大得多。中国还有强大的外交力量以阻止贸易与货币方面的退让,这种退让有可能损害其竞争优势。 5. For all these reasons, the Chinese trade surplus with the United States has soared, quintupling in the last decade to $124 billion in 2003. 由于这些原因,中国对美国的贸易顺差得以飞速增长,在过去十年中增加了五倍,于2003年达到了1240亿美元。 6.Wearing a blue company baseball hat and a blue company-issued shirt, she works 8 to 11 hours a day stuffing power cords, remote controls and other DVD accessories into plastic bags. 她带着公司的蓝色棒球帽,穿着公司发的蓝衬衣,一天工作八到十一个小时,将电源线,摇控器及其他DVD配件塞进一个个塑料袋中。 7. 5. The biggest question lingering over China is how vulnerable it remains to acute setbacks____ a banking failure, an inflationary spiral, even a temporary bust. 一个一直以来让中国挥之不去的最大问题是,它对于急剧的挫折仍是如何脆弱,诸如银行破产、螺旋式通货膨胀,那怕是短暂的经济衰退等。 After three decades of spectacular growth, China passed Japan in the second quarter to become the world’s second-largest economy behind the United States, according to government fi


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