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四辩稿 各位老师、同学,你们好!我作为反方四辩对我们所坚持的观点——EQ比IQ更重要做总结。众所周知,人类还在蛮荒时代,虽然所谓的知识还少的可怜,但人类却有着发掘自己、了解自己的能力,有一种不断进取的精神。正是如此,他们才不断发展,充实自己的知识,从一群茹毛饮血的原始人,发展成为知识丰富的新兴人类。试想,如果原始人根本连发掘自己、了解自己的精神都没有,只是不求上进、等待恩赐的动物,那何求知识的扩充?若为这样,今天站在这儿的不是进行辩论的我们,而不过是两群乱喊乱叫的猴子了。(对方辩友不是猴子,不是吗?这不正是你们祖先EQ所发挥的重要作用?你们还否认EQ比IQ重要吗?) hello! EI will summarize, EQ is more important than IQ. As is known to us all, humans also in wild times, although the so-called knowledge is little, the human have the ability to discover and understand themselves, there is a kind of enterprising spirit. , they continue to grow, to enrich their own knowledge, Just think, if the primitive root doesnt even have the spirit of the discover and understand themselves, just low expectations, waiting for the gift of animals, the knowledge will expand? No! If so, today, standing here are not debaters, but two groups of monkeys. (My fellow debater is not a monkey, isnt it? Isnt that what your ancestors play an important role in EQ? do you still deny that EQ is more important than IQ?) 在座的各位,你们还感觉不到情感商数的魅力吗?今年的诺贝尔物理学奖得主之一,崔琦,他的成功不仅是靠知识,更是靠一种自信,一颗开朗的心,正如为人和蔼的他一样。而某名牌大学少年班中有那么一位学生IQ在160分以上,算个天才,可此人自命不凡,性格孤僻,言语刻薄,后来竟迷上佛教,走失在深山中,可悲!再问各位,你们还看不到不重视情感商数的恶果吗? One of this years Nobel laureate in physics,cui, his success not only depends on knowledge, but also rely on a confident, a cheerful heart, as kindness of him. A student in the class IQ is above 160 points, is a genius, but he is withdrawn, cutting, which subsequently in Buddhism, lost in the mountains, sad! Ask you, do you still ignore importance to the consequences of EQ? 我们所面对的将是社会,没有人会在你应聘时问你司马迁为何人,或是等差数列求和等问题。心理学家斯腾伯格提出传统智力测验太多顾及主体内认识活动的结果,只注重语言与数理逻辑能力的重要。当学生离开学校,IQ可以预测谁会获得事业上的成功,谁会有令人满意的社交生活吗?事实上,生活中许多失败的人不是技术上的失败,而是人际与情绪的失败 We will fac the society, no one will ask you when you are applying for si ma qian, Psychologist SiTengBoGe proposed that traditional intelligence test cares about the result of the cognitive activities within the body too much, only pay attention to language and



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