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Conclusions We have analyzed in detail event locations and source mechanisms of a unique microseismic dataset with two monitoring boreholes .the microseismic events were induced by two stimulations in a nearly vertical treatment well. We have detected and located 96 microseismic events .event locations aligned along a linear trend ,approximately in the azimuth of 85度。The majority of events were located above the injection intervals .both stages have treated the same zone; there was neither vertical nor horizontal separation of the two stages. The treatment stimulated shallower formation approximately 100m above the injection intervals 41 source mechanisms were determined for high quality events .full moment tensors for events detected by both wells and deviatoric moment tensors for events detected by only a single well were computed .all mechanisms were nearly pure shear dip-slips with less than 5%of the non-shear components .we observed no events consistent with tensile opening or closing .constrained inversion from the single monitoring well to non-volumetric source mechanism was adequate for this dataset .approximately one half of microseismic events can be characterized as north dip-slips and the second half as south dip-slip mechanisms. The source mechanisms were consistent with the locations of events; strikes of nearly vertical planes agree with strike of the locations trend. We showed that the source mechanisms constrained well the orientation of principal stress axes and this orientation of stress was also consistent with the event locations and regional stress. We can conclude that a single hydraulic fracture propagated (传播、繁殖、增殖)perpendicular to the least principal stress and that source mechanisms of microseismic events can be used to determine the stress orientation 油井射孔是利用射流透过枪体、井液、套管及水泥环(复合靶)给岩层造孔、造缝,为流体提供通道的技术。在油田勘探开发的系统工程中,射孔是一项不可或缺的技术。 从历史发展看射孔主要采用过三种类型的技术。即子弹式射孔技术、喷砂射孔技术、聚能射孔技术。目前使用最广泛、最有效的是聚能射孔技术。聚能射孔技术属于爆炸物理学的爆炸力学范畴。聚能射孔主要利用和研究的是轴对称聚能效应以及轴


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