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Translation Theory 姓名:常国强 班级:翻译31 学:3332014 Register 语域(Register)是语言使用的场合或领域的总称。英国语言学家韩礼德(M. A. K. Halliday)将语域定义为,语言变体可以按照使用的情况划分为语域。 按照词语或话语的正式程度,柯平把语域分为五级:刻板的(frozen)、正式的(formal)、商谈的(consultative)、随便的(causal)和亲昵的(intimate); 语域的三个社会变量:语场(field),语旨(tenor)和语式(mode)。 Four decisive factors: The addresser The addressee Subject and matter Form of communication Is a global economic recession likely? If so, what might trigger it? Willem Buiter, Citi’s chief economist and the Financial Times’ erstwhile Maverecon blogger, answers these questions: “Yes” and “China”. His case is plausible. This does not mean we must expect a recession. But people should see such a scenario as plausible. Mr Buiter does not expect world output to decline. The notion here is a “growth recession”, a period of growth well below the potential rate of about 3 percent. One might imagine 2 percent or less. Mr Buiter estimates the likelihood of such an outcome at 40 per cent. His scenario would start with China. Like many others, he believes China’s growth is overstated by official statistics and may be as low as 4 percent. This is plausible, if not universally accepted. It might become even worse. First, an investment share of 46 per cent of gross domestic product would be excessive in an economy growing 7 per cent, let alone one growing at 4 per cent. Second, a huge expansion of debt, often of doubtful quality, has accompanied this excessive investment. Yet merely sustaining investment at these levels would require far more borrowing. Finally, central government, alone possessed of a strong balance sheet, might be reluctant to offset a slowdown in investment, while the shares of households in national income and consumption in GDP are too low to do so. Suppose, then, that investment shrank drastically as demand and balance-sheet constraints bit. What might be the effects on the world economy? One channel would be a


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