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毕 业 论 文 题目: 响应式企业网站设计与实现 学生姓名: 罗智刚 学号: 1202012132 专业班级: B12计算机科学与技术2班 指导教师: 李莉 企业导师: 林志宏 二级学院: 电气与信息工程学院 摘 要 在信息高速发展的这个时代,网络作为现今最为方便快捷的媒介也越来越被人们接受,并且融入我们的生活。在2015年时,随着HTML5在国内的兴起,也在不断的推进着信息时代的发展,网站也逐渐脱离了传统的枯燥页面风格,如今的HTML5比起以前的HTML来说,更容易维护和管理,而且还能实现跨平台开发,减少开发成本。 本论文主要围绕写意集团的HTML5响应式网站为开发主题,用到的也是最必备的三个技能元素,在布局页面时,用HTML将元素进行定义,布局基础布局;css对展示的HTML元素布局进行定位渲染,然后利用Javascript或者jQuery实现相应的效果和交互。虽然这么看起来很简单,但这里需要认真了解的东西很多。在开发前,需要对这些概念弄清楚,在开发过程中还要考虑兼容,性能等各种问题。 分析并解决实现中的若干技术问题:介绍企业官网个性化页面的背景及HTML5响应式布局的一般原理;阐述整个企业官网的结构及工作原理;分析 实现中的难点和重点; 关键词: abstract In this era of rapid development of information and network as the most convenient media now increasingly being accepted and integrated into our lives. In 2015, with the rise of HTML5 in the country, has also been advancing the development of the information age, the site is also moving away from the traditional boring page style, and now HTML5 compared to the previous HTML is easier to maintain and management, but also to achieve cross-platform development, reduce development costs. This paper mainly around Freehand Group HTML5 Responsive website development topics, used in the three most essential elements of skill, in the layout of the page, using HTML to define the elements, layout basic layout; css to display HTML elements positioning layout rendering, then use Javascript or jQuery to achieve the appropriate effects and interactions. Although such looks very simple, but here need to understand a lot of serious things. Before development, the need to clarify these concepts in the development process, but also consider a variety of problems with compatibility, performance and so on. Analyze and solve technical problems in implementation of: The official website of the general principles of corporate background personalized page HTML5 and responsive layout; elaborate structure and working principle of the whole enterprise official website; Analysis Implementation difficulties and prioriti


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