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大学和中学在学习上的最大区别 Universities and secondary schools the biggest difference in learning 变化一:内容多了 中学阶段,我们一般只学习十门左右的课程,而且有两年时间都把精力砸到高考科目上了,老师主要讲授一般性的基础知识。而大学四年需要学习的课程在40门以上,每一个学期学习的课程都不相同,内容多,学习任务远比中学重得多。大学一、二年级主要学习公共课程和基础课程,大学三年级主要学习专业基础课和部分专业课以及选修课,大学四年级重点学习专业课和进行毕业设计、做毕业论文。 Change one: the contents of more than secondary level, we generally learn only about ten courses, but also hit two years have focused on the college entrance examination subjects, teachers mainly teach the general basics. The four-year university course to learn in 40 or more courses each semester is different, more content, re-learning task is much more than high school. University first and second grade public key learning courses and foundation courses, universities, third-year major part of learning the basic course and specialized courses and electives, college senior and key specialized courses for graduate study design, to do thesis. 变化二:自习多了 中学里,经常有老师占用自习课,让同学们非常苦恼,大学里这种情况几乎不存在了。因为大学里课堂讲授相对减少,自学时间大量增加。同时,大学为学生学习提供了非常好的环境,大学有藏书丰富的图书馆,有设备先进的实验室,有丰富多彩的课外科研活动。 Change 2: self-study more than a high school, teachers often take up self-study courses, so students are very upset that the university is almost non-existent. Because the university classroom reduced, a significant increase in self-study time. Meanwhile, the University provides a very good learning environment, universities are stocked library, laboratories with advanced equipment, scientific research with a variety of extracurricular activities. 变化三:老师管得少了 在学习方法上,中学时期,只要跟着老师走就可以了,一切听从老师指挥,老师教学生是“手拉手”领着教,而大学老师则是“老师在前,学生在后引着走”,提倡学生自主学习,课外时间要自己安排,逐渐地从“要我学”向“我要学”转变,不采用题海战术和死记硬背的方法,提倡生动活泼地学习,提倡勤于思考。 Change III: less teacher control methods in the study, secondary school, as long as you can go along with the teacher, and all obey the command of the teacher, the teacher is teaching students hand in hand led teaching, the university teacher is the former teacher Students in the post cited a go , to promote independent learning, extra-curricu


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