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摘 要 随着现代人日益丰富的物质生活的充裕,人们对精神食粮的追求也越来越高。经过对书籍市场的调查,消费者对书刊的要求是简约有创意;尤其是书刊的整体设计要独特,精美,凸显主题。而现代文学作品的出版要经过三个环节,第一步是文字编辑组稿、改稿,提供原始的文稿;第二步是由装帧设计师做出书籍的造型,包括色彩,纸张的选用等;第三步有出版部门准备书籍印刷生产最后流入市场。装帧设计在整个环节中起到了承上启下的作用,是其中关键一步。人物传记类是属于精装书的范畴,对书封的加工设计要根据加工书籍的等级、书籍的内容、出版者作者对书籍的要求及工艺加工的可行性来最终敲定设计方案。从原告到装订加工完毕的全过程,印后加工处理是必不可少的一环,他起着装饰书籍增强可读性的作用。 关键词:精装书、印后加工、人物传记、关键一步 ABSTRACT With plenty of modern increasingly rich material life, the pursuit of spiritual nourishment people are increasingly high. After a survey of the book market, consumer demand is simple books and creative; especially the overall design of the books to be unique, beautiful, highlighting the theme. The published works of modern literature to go through three steps, the first is a text editor soliciting contributions, change the draft, provided the original manuscript; second part is made ??by a designer binding books styling, including color, paper selection, etc.; Section has published three books ready to print production department last into the market. Graphic design played a part in the whole nexus role is the key step. The novel is hardcover book belongs to the category of book closure of the design process to finalize the design to be based on the level of processing of books, the content of books, publishers, authors of books feasibility requirements and processing technology. From the plaintiff to the binding process is complete the whole process of finishing treatment is an indispensable part, he plays the role of decorative books to enhance readability. Keywords: hardcover, finishing, character biography , a key step 目录 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II 目 录 1 引 言 1 第一章 市场调查 2 第二章 印前设计 3 1.1 书籍的整体设计 3 1.2 书籍书芯的设计 3 1.3 书籍书壳的设计 3 1.4 书籍套合的设计 3 1.4.1 涂中缝胶黏剂 3 1.4.2 套壳 4 1.4.3 压槽定型 4 1.4.4 扫衬 4 1.4.5 压平 4 第三章 印刷 4 3.1 印前准备 4 3.1.1 打样 4 3.1.2 制版 5 3.2 装版试印 5 3.2.1 油墨调制 5 3.2.2 检查印版 5 3.3.3 印刷压力的调试 6 3.3 正式印刷 6 第四章 印后加工 6 4.1 书芯加工 6 4.1.1 折页 6 4.1.2 配页 7 4.1.3 订书 7 4.1.4 压平 8 4.1.5 第一次刷胶 8 4.1.6 裁切


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