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(旅游英语)环球之旅-美国 Washington D.C.(美国首都华盛顿):? ???????????Washington DC is situated close to Virginia(弗吉尼亚州) and Maryland(马里兰州) and is one of Americas most beautiful cities, full of monuments(纪念碑), memorials, impressive architecture(建筑), large public parks and is the home of the president of U.S.. Throughout the year, Washington DC has many exciting festivals, parades and sporting events, and one of Washingtons most famous sports team are the Washington Redskins(华盛顿印第安人队), who play American football(美式足球,即橄榄球) and have won the prestigious(享有声望的, 声望很高的) Superbowl(“超级碗”,美国橄榄球冠军赛) three times.? ???????????Washington DC is predominantly(主要地) a business city and therefore(因此) hotel rates(酒店房间收费) are usually highest during the business week and lower at the weekends and in the summer. The main tourist season in Washington DC runs roughly from April to September and the business season tends to start slightly earlier and finish in the fall(秋天), virtually disappearing during the height of summer. ???????????Washington DC has many world-famous tourist attractions and major landmarks and these include the White House -- completed in 1800 and home to every US president except George Washington, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI(美国)联邦调查局) offices -- situated(位于) in Downtown Washington(华盛顿市中心),?using state-of-the-art(艺术级的) crime-solving technology. ???????????The Washington Library of Congress(美国国会图书馆) -- the national library of America, which is actually the worlds largest library, with more than 100 million items, the National Zoological Park(美国国家动物园) -- most famous for its two giant pandas(大熊猫), Mei Xiang and Tian Tian, and the MCI Center ?(华盛顿体育中心)-- a huge arena(舞台) hosting many concerts(音乐会) and sporting events, which opened in 1997 at a cost of around USD 200 million.? ???????????Downtown Washington, the largest area of the city, is located to the north and east of the White House, with numerous shops, department stores, theaters, tourist attractions, museums(博物馆)



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