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通信英语 Unit 1 The Principle of PCM PCM 的原理 Pretext learning 课文前学习 核心词汇学习: code 码 frame 帧 format 格式 value 值amplitude 幅 word 字,字码 sequence 序列’s the sequence number of this anti-virus software? 这个杀毒软件的序列号是多少? message 消息,讯息 ’ll send you a (text) message. I’ll message you in the afternoon. digit 位 channel 路 shape 波形 level 电平 signal 信号 noise 噪声 pulse 脉冲 circuit 电路,线路 中心---center middle heart 开花 blossom ….open flower 常用术语学习 PCM = pulse code modulation 脉码调制 编码器coder 解码器decoder 编解码器 CODEC (coder 和decoder 的缩写) 抽样化 sampling 量化 quantizing 编码 coding 话路speech channel 幅值 amplitude value 抽样频率 sampling frequency 抽样速率 sampling rate 脉冲流 stream of pulses 重复率 repetition rate 编码过程 coding process 模拟信号 analog signal 传输质量 transmission quality–tt- to transmit digital signals 传输数字信号 数字通信 digital communication 数字传输 digital transmission 含噪声的环境 noisy environment 传输路由 transmission path 信噪比 signal-to-noise ratio 信号电平 signal levels 地面系统 terrestrial system 噪声功率 noise power 二进制传输 binary transmission 反向操作 reverse operation 8位码序列 8-digit sequence 接收端 receiving terminal 帧格式 frame format 同步字 synchronizing word PCM is dependent on three separate分离的,单独的 operations, sampling取样,采样, quantizing(量化), and coding(编码). Many different schemes方案,计划 for performing履行,做,操作 these three functions功能 have evolved发展,进化,深化 during recent years, and we shall describe the main ones. In these descriptions we shall see how a speech channel 话路of telephone quality电话质量 may be conveyed传达,传递,输送 as a series of amplitude values幅值, each value being represented表示, that is, coded编码, as a sequence of 8 binary digits 8位二进制数. Furthermore再者,进而, we shall prove证明 that a minimum theoretical sampling frequency 采样频率采样频率of order (阶,次,度) 6.8 kilohertz (kHz) is required to convey a voice channel 话路信号occupying the range 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz. Hertz 赫兹 kilohertz 千赫兹 kHz (频率=frequency) Practical equipments实际设备,


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