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本科毕业设计(论文) 人脸识别技术及实现 学 院 信息工程学院 专 业 信息工程 (电子信息工程方向) 年级班别 2010级(1)班 学 号 3111002754 学生姓名 XXX 指导教师 XXX 2014年 5 月 摘要 随着经济的快速发展以及生活方式的改变,社会各方面对于身份识别技术的需求快速增长。使得生物统计识别技术得到了新的重视。目前得到主要应用的是指纹识别和人脸识别。研究人脸识别在理论和技术上都有重要的意义:一是可以推进对人类视觉系统本身的认识;二是可以满足人工智能应用的需要。而人脸识别相比较其他生物识别技术而言具有:1、非接触的,用户不需要和设备直接接触;2、非强制性,被识别的人脸图像信息可以主动获取;3、并发性,即实际应用场景下可以进行多个人脸的分拣、判断及识别这几大优点而取得了快速的发展。采用人脸识别技术,建立自动人脸识别系统,用计算机实现对人脸图像的自动识别有着广阔的应用领域和诱人的应用前景。 本文在总结分析人脸识别系统中几种常用的图像预处理方法基础上,利用MATLAB实现了一个集多种预处理方法于一体的通用的人脸图像预处理仿真系统。通过实现图像的选取,脸部定位,特征提取,图像处理和识别这几个过程,利用灰度图像的直方图比对最终实现人脸图像的识别。 关键词:人脸识别, MATLAB,灰度图像直方图,特征提取 Abstact With the fast development of economy and the change of life style, the demand for the identity recognition technology is increasing rapidly. Meanwhile, The technology of biometric identification is emphasized. The main application is fingerprint recognition and face recognition nowdays. The research of face recognition has important meaning both in theory and technology.Firstly, it can advance the recognition of human vision system.Secondly, it is the need of artificial intelligence application. And face recognition compared to other biometrics has much advantages.Firstly, users do not need to equipment and direct contact.Secondly,it is recognition of the face image information can take the initiative to obtain.Thirdly, the actual application scenarios can be of multi face sorting, judgment, and recognition. Using computer to achieve automatic recognition of the face image has a broad application areas and attractive prospects for application by face recognition technology, automatic face recognition system. Based on the summary analysis of face recognition system and several common image pre processing method , author finally used MATLAB realize a set a variety of pre processing method in one of the generic face image p



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