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摘要 肢体语言是跨文化交际中的重要组成部分。在人与人沟通或谈判时,大部分的人会使用手势语来表达各种信息。随着经济全球化的发展趋势,肢体语言中的手势语以其简单明了的特性而广泛应用于跨文化交际中。除了一些世界公认的手势语外,在不同文化里,大部分的手势语的含义会有差异。在日常交流中,虽然使用口头语言的机会较多,然而手势语也同样重要。本文通过介绍一些国内外常用的手势语并比较手势语的含义在不同国家的差异性,深入了解在跨文化交际中常见手势语的含义,这对于尽可能地避免跨文化交际时的文化误解和冲突有着重要意义。 关键词:手势语;人类交往;跨文化交际 Table of Contents Abstract i 摘要 ii 1. Introduction 1 2. Literature Review 2 2.1 Development of Hand Gestures 2 2.2 Domestic and Overseas Research Actualities 2 3. Status of Hand Gestures in Language 4 4. Overview of Hand Gestures 5 4.1 Definition of Hand Gestures 5 4.2 Functions of Hand Gestures 5 4.3 Significance of Hand Gestures 6 5. Classifications of Hand Gestures 7 5.1 The “A-OK” 7 5.2 The “V-Sign” 7 5.3 The “Pointing” 8 5.4 The “Thumb up” 8 5.5 The “Beckoning Sign” 9 5.6 The “Wave” 9 5.7 The “Corna” 9 6. Application of Hand Gestures 10 6.1 Application of Hand Gestures in Daily Life 10 6.2 Application of Hand Gestures in Other Fields 10 6.2.1 Hand Gestures of Recognizing Lies 10 6.2.2 Hand Gestures of Traffic Command 11 6.2.3 Hand Gestures of Basketball Match 11 7. Conclusion 12 References 13 Acknowledgements 14 Introduction The intercultural communication has become the main style of people’s communication with the process of globalization, and the verbal communication is always the major part in the communication, however, the non-verbal communication is indispensable. When people are talking with others, they are not just using words, but also using facial expressions and hand gestures. For example, waving one’s hand is to say “Good-bye.” Actually, hand gestures can also enhance speaker’s connection with the audience. Humans send and interpret such signals subconsciously. This thesis wants to explore the hand gestures of body language from different cultures around the world. Members of a culture typically know only the gestures from their own society. For example, Americans know the messages of hand gestures such as “OK”, “Shame on you”, and “Crazy”, but they tend to be ignorant a



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