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2012—2013学年四年级第二学期教学进度计划 单元 课题 教学目标及要求 课时数 及日期 Module1 Factory Visit 1 Consolidating simple present and imperative. 2 Don’t touch the machines, please! 3 Wear the glasses, please! Four classes 2.—2.28 Module2 Computers 1 Consolidating adjectives and numbers. 2 This computer is beautiful. 3 It’s small. And it’s cheap. Four classes 3.1—3.9 Module3 Story 1 Consolidating simple past. 2 There was a boy. 3 He looked after sheep. Four classes 3.12—3.21 Module4 Music 1 Consolidating simple past. 2 What did they play? 3 Dad played the erhu. Four classes 3.22—3.30 Module5 Party 1 Consolidating present continous. 2 What are you doing? 3 We’re having a party. Four classes 4.2—4.10 Module6 English Newspaper 1 Consolidating future tense and the usage of “let’s”. 2 I’ll draw the pictures. 3 I’ll write the reports. Four classes 4.11—4.18 Module7 Solar System 1 Consolidating adjectives. 2 This planet is near to the sun. 3 It’s very hot. 4 This planet is far from the sun. 5 It’s very cold. Four classes 4.19—4.27 Module8 America 1 Consolidating prepositions. 2 He lives in the east of America. 3 Los Angeles is in the west of America. Four classes 5.2—5.11 Module9 Australia 1 Why/ Because 2 Why do you like Australia? 3 Because I love Australian animals. 4 Why do you love kangaroos and koalas? 5 Because they are very, very cute. Four classes 5.14—5.22 Module10 Summer Holidays 1 Consolidating future tenses. 2 I’m going to go to England. 3 I’m going to go, too. 4 We’ll send you a postcard from England. 5 And I’ll send you a postcard from China. Four classes 5.23—6.4 Review Review Review Four classes 6.5—6.15 Exam Examination Oral exam and paper exam. Three classes 6.18—6.29 新标准英语第八册教案 第一课时 总第1课时 教学目标: 学生能够清楚本学期的学习任务。 学生能够清楚本学期的教学要求和自己对英语的学习所要做的准备。 学生能够明确本学期自己的学习目标,并能够从思想上和学具上做好准备。 教学过程: 与学生互相问好并通过自由谈话来大概了解学生假期生活情况。 对学生上学期的学习情况给予鼓励,发奖状和奖品,激发学生对本学期学习的信心和积极性。 和学生一起略读一下课本,帮助学生理清本学期要学习的主要内容。 针对学习内容提出本学


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