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智课网TOEFL备考资料 口语必备:历年托福口语考试题型模板汇总 摘要: 托福口语总共有六种常考题型,这些题型以不同的形式来呈现给大家,是大家不知道该怎么做,今天小编就为大家整理出历年托福口语考试题型模板汇总,我们一起来观摩一下吧。 扫描二维码下载…
如何才能在英语高考中做到有效阅读 浙江省松阳县第二中学 杨军平 323406【摘 要】阅读理解是一项语言综合运用能力的测试,足够的词汇,扎实的语法 功底和有效的阅读技能是高考取得优异成绩的保证。 【关键词】阅读理解 有效阅读…
职业生涯规划书设计模板 扉页版式 目录版式 正文版式 引言 一、自我分析 结合职业测评报告以及xx等分析方法,我对自己进行了全方位、多角度的分析。 职业兴趣——喜欢干什么; 我的职业测评报告中,职业兴趣前三项是xx型(x分)、xx型(x分)和xx型(…
摘要: 托福口语总共有六种常考题型,这些题型以不同的形式来呈现给大家,是大家不知道该怎么做,今天小编就为大家整理出历年托福口语考试题型模板汇总,我们一起来观摩一下吧。
扫描二维码下载:【 小马 IBT 托福 写作口语论证论据素材大全】
今天小编为大家准备历年 托福口语 考试题型模板汇总,相信这对刚刚备考的考生是很有帮助的,下面小编就不多说了,我们一起来看看精彩内容吧。
新托福 口语最佳模板
Queston1: Independent task
T : is____. And there are a couple of reasons.
S: The most important thing is that___, you know, ___.
Whats more, ___.
1. 事情
例如:Describe an event that is important to you.
l Good way of exercising: strengthen my body, get rid of the stress: before a big test
l Simply enjoy it: IPOD
2. 地点
例如:Where is the place that you really want to go?
l Beautiful scenery: saw on postcards, plants and animals
l Love hiking
l Read the book s why I choose ___ for the two reasons listed above.)
Tips: stand your point by
1. one advantage of A+ one advantage of A
2. one advantage of A+ one disadvantage of B
3. two disadvantages of B
Question3: Campus talk
State the man/womans opinion and explain the reasons he/she gives for holding that opinion.
1. 阅读时不要记笔记,记下题目即可。
2. 听听力时记下两个东西:说话者态度和其所给出的几个理由。(理由一定要都答上,否则会减分)
3. 不要过多地陈述为什么学校会制定the new policy,答出说话者理由最重要。
In this set of material, the reading passage describes a ___ and the listening material is a discussion by two students on the notice.
According to the reading passage, the notice explains___
The man/woman holds a positive/neg
Queston1: Independent task
T : is____. And there are a couple of reasons.
S: The most important thing is that___, you know, ___.
Whats more,