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D.2.2.3 保证工期的技术保证措施 D. 2.2.3 technology guarantee measures of guarantee period 1) 作好施工中的技术保证工作 1) the construction of the technical guarantee job 在接到设计资料后,立即组织有关专业技术人员进行图纸会审,认真领会设计意图,积极与设计单位沟通,抓紧时间进行技术交底。设立技术攻关组,对关键性技术问题进行攻关。加强现场技术指导和测试工作,杜绝发生技术性失误;不断改进施工作业工艺,提高工效,加快施工进度。对技术要求强的工种、工序开工前先进行培训,在施工中组织专业化队伍以加快进度,提高质量。 After received the design data, immediately organize relevant professional and technical personnel, the blue prints.the design carefully understand design intent, active communication with the design unit, take the time to technical clarificaiton. Set up a technical team to research on key technology problem. Strengthen the on-site technical guidance and test work, put an end to a technical error occurred; Constantly improve the construction process, improve work efficiency, speed up the construction progress. To the technical requirements for the type of work, the process starts with strong before training, organization in the construction of professional team to speed up the process, improve the quality. 2) 标准层结构楼板采用早拆支撑体系,加快模板的周转,减少模板和支撑的一次投入量,提高工效和节约成本。 2) standard layer structure floor adopts early supporting system, accelerate the turnover of the template, reduce the template and the support of a mass, improve work efficiency and cost savings. 3) 在主体结构混凝土施工中采用多项外掺剂(早强剂、减水剂、缓凝剂等)技术,以控制施工过程中对混凝土的质量的要求,并在混凝土养护中采用外渗剂无水养护技术。 3) in the main structure with a number of the additive agent in concrete construction, early strength agent, water reducing agent and retarder, etc.) technology, to control the quality of the construction process of concrete, and in no water leakage in concrete curing agent curing technology. 4) 合理组织施工,加快施工流程,使各工种间的工序能交叉进行,保证工期的如期完成。 4) reasonable organization construction, speed up the construction process, can cross between the different work process, to ensure that the time limit for a project deadline. 5) 搞好计划管理,保持均衡生产,施工进度分阶段控制,计划部门根据全合同段工程量和总工期要求,结合施工组织设计,编制年度和季度计划,生产调度和各施工队根据季度计划制定每月施工计划,做到以旬保月、月保季、季保年和保总工期。 5) improving


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