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* * * * The Toulmin Model A tool for diagramming “informal” arguments Stephen Toulmin Stephen Toulmin, originally a British logician, is now a professor at USC. He became frustrated with the inability of formal logic to explain everyday arguments, which prompted him to develop his own model of practical reasoning. The four basic elements: Claim (assertion or proposition) Grounds (proof, grounds, support) Warrant (inferential leap) Qualifier (limitations on the claim) Claims A claim is the point an arguer is trying to make. The claim is the conclusion, proposition, or assertion an arguer wants another to accept. The claim answers the question, So what is your point?” example: “Rosario is an American citizen, because she was born in the United States.” example: “Ellen is going to be a judge on American Idol, so the show will be more popular than ever.” More about claims... There are four basic types of claims: fact: claims which focus on empirically verifiable phenomena judgment/value: claims involving opinions, attitudes, and subjective evaluations of things policy: claims advocating courses of action that should be undertaken definition/classification: indicates what criteria are being used to to define a term or what category something falls into Grounds (proof or data) Grounds refers to the proof or evidence an arguer offers. Grounds can consist of statistics, quotations, reports, findings, physical evidence, or various forms of reasoning example: “I’m a vegetarian. One reason is that I feel sorry for the animals. Another reason is for my own health.” example: “I made the dinner, so you can do the dishes. More about grounds... Grounds are the support the arguer offers on behalf of his/her claim. The grounds answer questions such as: What is your proof?“ How do you know?“ Why?” example: “It looks like rain. The barometer is falling.” example: The other Starbucks I’ve been in had wi-fi, so Ill bet this one does too. Still more about grounds... grounds can b


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