英文的科技论文范文 英文科技论文模板.doc

英文的科技论文范文 英文科技论文模板.doc

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英文的科技论文范文 英文科技论文模板 2012 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2012) Shanghai, 10-14 Sep. 2012附件2: 论文模板(中英文)Paper ti… (中国给水排水)全文1.5倍行距标题标题标题标题(二号宋体,居中,加粗)【说明:?标题是能反映论文中特定内容的恰当、简明的词语的逻辑组合,应避免使用含义笼统、泛指性很强的词语(一般不超过20字,必要时可加副标题,尽可能不用动宾结构,而用名词性短语,也… 文档编号:0000 426优秀毕业设计 广西科技大学毕业论文任务书 目录 目录 ........................................................... 2广西科技大学(设计)论文任务书 (模板一) ..… 2012 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2012) Shanghai, 10-14 Sep. 2012 附件2: 论文模板(中英文) Paper title AUTHORS NAME Author’s unit Abstract: This paper Initial on the solar parabolic trough collectors, …….. 2. Solar collectors on power plants Keywords: solar energy ………. 2.1 parabolic trough solar collector plant Overview 1. Solar collector technology brief Solar energy power generation mainly have two category, for a photovoltaic power generation. 1.1 Parabolic tough solar collectors Parabolic through solar collectors mainly consist by the parabolic mirror, truss system-metal structure, 3.China integration of solar energy /Coal-fired power plant market ………. 6. Conciusion This article is only the entry of solar thermal power generation and guidance only. References [1] Dr.Stefan Bockamp etc., Solar Thermal Power Generation [2] Alstom supplies integrated solar/CC project in Morocco pp.8-10 Vol.152 No.1 2008 POWER [3] Graham L. Morrison1 etc., Solar Thermal Power Systems – Stanwell Power Station Project4 Author?s brief introduction and contact information: Figure 1 LS - 3 parabolic trough solar collectors [4] Solar collector components, whether parabolic trough or Fresnel light reflector (CLFR), the collector is a group of a group into a parallel connected, a one another in accordance with certain requirements each other in series connecting . Figure 2 solar collectors heat internal fluid flow chart 附件:论文格式 □□□□□□论文题目□□□□□□ □□作者姓名,作者姓名□□ 作者单位,地址 邮编; ENGLISH TITLE NAME Name-name Addr. ABSTRACT:


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