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土坝: 利用当地土料和砂、砂砾、卵砾、石碴、石料等筑成的坝。它是一种古老而至今还不断发展并得到广泛使用的挡水建筑物,有时也称土石坝。Earth dam is a dam that built with local materials such as soil sands stones and so on. It is an ancient dam while is so wide used as a water retaining structure with the increasing development. Sometimes, we also call it earth rock-fill dam. 土坝优点是:The advantages of the earth dam are as follows 筑坝材料取自当地,可节省水泥、钢材和木材; 对坝基工程地质条件要求比其他坝型低; 抗震性能较好等。The materials are from the local, so that we can cut down on the cost of the cement, steels and woods The demands of the condition of the foundation are lower than other types of dams. it has good earthquake resistance. 其缺点是:The disadvantages of the earth dam are: 一般需在坝外另行修建昂贵的泄水建筑物,如溢洪道、隧洞等; 如库水漫顶,将垮坝失事,故抵御超标准洪水能力较差。We should build expensive sluice structures, for example, spillways and tunnels. 按施工方法土坝可分为三类:According to the construction method of earth dams, they can divide into three categories. They are: Rolled-filled earth dam Earth dam by dumping soil into water Hydraulic-fill earth dam 按照筑坝材料在坝内的配置可将土坝分为:均质土坝:坝体主要由一种筑坝材料筑成。多种土质坝:坝体由几种筑坝材料筑成;防渗料位于坝体中间或上游。心墙土坝:防渗料位于坝体中间,上下游坝壳为单一的透水料。斜墙土坝:防渗料位于坝体上游,下游为单一的透水坝壳。According to the materials of the earth dam, we can divide them into five types. They are homogenous-fills dam, zoned fill dam, Heart-wall dam, and inclined-core dam.. Reading material: Earth Dams When an earth dam is built on a pervious foundation, a watertight underground wall, called a cut-off, often is built into the foundation to minimize water seepage under the dam. 当人们要在透水的地基上修建一座土坝时,通常他们会在基础处建一堵地下防渗墙,用来减少坝底的渗流,我们叫它:截水墙。 The cut-off is often built down through the overburden (loose material overlying the rock) and founded on rock. 截水墙通常设置在覆盖层(岩石之上的松散的堆积物)之下,建造于岩基之上。 Sometimes the trench for the cut-off is dug to a depth more than 100 feet (30 meters). 有时,拦截墙的沟槽挖深超过100英尺(30米)。 Earth dams include those that are mainly built of one material, called homogenous fill. 土坝包括那些坝体主要由一种材料构筑的,这种材料叫做均质填充物。 The earth dams also include those that are buil


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