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11.3.1?Extended Drucker-Prager models Products: ABAQUS/Standard??ABAQUS/Explicit?? The extended Drucker-Prager models are defined by using the *DRUCKER PRAGER option together with the *DRUCKER PRAGER HARDENING option and, optionally, the *RATE DEPENDENT, the *DRUCKER PRAGER CREEP, and the *TRIAXIAL TEST DATA options. 扩展的Drucker-Prager材料模式是由*DRUCKER PRAGER选项连同*DRUCKER PRAGER HARDENING及*RATE DEPENDENT, *DRUCKER PRAGER CREEP, *TRIAXIAL TEST DATA定义的。 References 参考资料 *DRUCKER PRAGER *DRUCKER PRAGER HARDENING *RATE DEPENDENT *DRUCKER PRAGER CREEP *TRIAXIAL TEST DATA “Material library: overview,” Section 9.1.1 “Inelastic behavior,” Section 11.1.1 “Rate-dependent yield,” Section 11.2.3 “Rate-dependent plasticity: creep and swelling,” Section 11.2.4 Overview 概要 The extended Drucker-Prager models: 扩展的D-P模式: are used to model frictional materials, which are typically granular-like soils and rock, and exhibit pressure-dependent yield (the material becomes stronger as the pressure increases); 可以用来模拟摩擦材料,典型的是粒状岩土材料及表现压力相关屈服材料(由于压力的增加材料强度增高); are used to model materials in which the compressive yield strength is greater than the tensile yield strength, such as those commonly found in composite and polymeric materials; 可以用来模拟抗压屈服强度大于抗拉屈服强度的材料,如通常所说的复合材料; allow a material to harden and/or soften isotropically; 容许材料等向硬化和/或软化 generally allow for volume change with inelastic behavior: the flow rule, defining the inelastic straining, allows simultaneous inelastic dilation (volume increase) and inelastic shearing; 通常容许材料的无弹性行为的体积变化:流动法则,定义的无弹性应变,容许同时发生无弹性膨胀(体积增加)和无弹性剪切; can include creep in ABAQUS/Standard if the material exhibits long-term inelastic deformations; 在ABAQUS/Standard中如果材料表现长期的无弹性变形则可以包含蠕变; can be defined to be sensitive to the rate of straining, as is often the case in polymeric materials; 可以定义为对应变率灵敏的材料,如在复合材料中常用到; can be used in conjunction with either the elastic material model (“Linear elastic behavior,” Section 10.2.1) or, in ABAQUS/Standard if creep is not defined,


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