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高中英语翻译练习参考答案 一、书面表达常用句式翻译 在过去的几年,滕州发生了巨大的变化。 Great changes have taken place in the past few years in Tengzhou. 变形:Beijing has taken on a new look. Beijing is no longer what it used to be. 我很高兴地收到你2011年1月9日的来信。 I’m delighted to receive/get your letter dated/of Jan.9,2011. 联想:月份Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 星期Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. 我期待着不久收到你的来信。 I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. [look forward to doing] 总而言之,email在我们的日常生活中扮演着多么重要的角色啊! To sum up,what an important role email plays in our daily life! 延伸:表“总之”的词组:To sum up ; All in all ; In a word ; As is mentioned above 不仅我喜爱英语,而且我酷爱音乐,尤其是古典音乐。 Not only do I take interest in English,but I am fond of music as well,especially classical music. 注意:not only+倒装,but also+不倒装 另外,我们还将邀请来自清华大学的Johnson教授为我们在图书馆的二层阅览室作关于英语学习的报告 In addition,we will invite Mr.johnson,a famous professor from Tsinghua University,to give us a speech on English stury in the reading-room on the second floor of our library. 我正走在去往学校的路上,突然这是我听到不远处传来“救命!救命!” I was walking on the way to school when all of a sudden I heard “Help!Help!”from not far away. 8. 学校教学楼的东边矗立着一座实验楼,在那里我们每天做着各种试验。 East of the teaching building stands a lab building,where we do a wide variety of experiments every day. 联想:a wide variety of = varieties of 9. 有许多学生在操场上玩篮球,梦想着有朝一日成为体育明星。 There are plenty of students playing basketball on the playground,dreaming of becoming sports stars /some day in the future. 10. 正如从图表中所展示的,我们年级百分之四十的学生课后从事体育活动。 As is shown from the graph,40%of the students in our grade go in for sports after school. 联想:As is shown from the graph可用As we can see in the graph代替 11. 我跑到河边,脱了外衣,毫不犹豫地跳进冰冷的水里。 I ran over to the river bank,took off my overcoat,and then jumped into the icy water without any hesitation. 联想:hesitation可用thinking/delay代替 12. 我正要出门,突然这时天开始下雨。 I was just about to go out when suddenly it began to rain. 13. 令我吃惊的是,这些人不顾后果,到处乱贴小广告。 To my surprise,those people put up



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