上学期 Unit 14 Mainly revision.doc

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上学期 Unit 14 Mainly revision Lesson 55 教学设计方案 Teaching Objectives Countable nouns uncountable nouns and measure words Language Focus a piece of?? the other, another Teaching Procedures I. Organizing the class Teacher: Good morning, class. Students: Good morning, teacher Teacher: Who?s on duty? Student 1: I am. The student will give a duty report about shopping. Teacher: Very Good. Thank you very much. II. Revision Teacher: If you need some more food, where can you buy them? If you need some more clothes. Where to buy, in the shop? Student 1 is to be a buyer. We call him “customer”. Student 2 is to be a seller. We call him “shop assistant”. Suppose you were a customer you want something to buy. Helping the customer in making a decision 1. What do you think of the color/style? 2. What size do you take/wear? 3. This T - shirt/skirt/woolen/sweater looks good/too big/too small/too tight/ just right on you. 4. You may try it on, the fitting room is over there. 5. It?s very fashionable, it looks wonderful on you. 6. It fits you very well. 7. I thinks it also suits you. 8. You look great/nice in red/in blue/in gray etc. IIII. Leading - in Get the students to understand the main ideas about Lesson 55. Ask them to read the text and questions about Part 1. 1. Who’s Ann? 2. Why does Ann need to buy some meat? 3. Who has bought it? 4. When did she buy it? 5. Did Ann buy sth. for her party? 6. What party? 7. How many friends of hers are coming for the party? 8. What else did Ann need? 9. Where? 10. Are the oranges still there? …? IV. Presentation Get the students to know the word ?buy?, past form ?bought?. you can’t have it in the following sentence. “I have bought it for half a day.” You Should say “I have had it for half a day.” The second word “more” not a comparative de


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