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@ plentiful a. present or available in large quantities 大量的;丰富的 @ derive vt. obtain sth. from sth. else 取得,得到 @ vi. (from) have sth. as an origin 源自 @ striking a. unusual or interesting enough to be easily noticed 显著的;引人注目的 @ substance n. [C] solid or liquid materials 物质 @ interfere vi. get involved in a situation and try to influence the way it develops 介入;干涉;干扰 @ remedy vt. correct or improve a situation 补救;纠正 @ n. 1. [C] a solution to a problem 补救措施;补救方法 @ 2. [C] a cure for pain or a minor illness 治疗法 Phrases and Expressions @ bounce back feel better or become successful after experiencing sth. bad 恢复健康;振作起来 @ in general in most situations or for most people 大体上;通常 @ up to used for saying the most an amount can be 多达;高达 @ tip sb. over the edge make sb. so unhappy that they cannot deal with their life or a situation any longer 使某人受不了;使某人难过得不得了 @ out of breath breathing fast and with difficulty 上气不接下气 @ throw up bring food or drink up from stomach out through the mouth 呕吐 @ go up become higher in price, level, etc.; rise 上升;上涨 @ interfere with prevent sth. from happening or developing in the correct way 妨碍;干扰 @ sum up make a summary of sth. 总结,归纳;概括 1. 不怕落后有多远,就怕失去前进的勇气。However far you fall behind, it is better than losing the courage to move ahead. 2. 他作为金钱的奴隶,除了赚钱,对任何别的事情都不感兴趣。 Being a slave to money, he takes no interest in anything other than making money.3. 深感知识匮乏的人, 往往会有更大的动力去学习。 He who has a rather acute sense of lack of knowledge tends to have a greater motive to learn. 4. 王进喜生前常说,井没压力不出油;人没压力轻飘飘。 During his lifetime, Wang Jin-xi used to say, “A well, under no pressure, does not produce oil, while a man, under no stress, grows light-headed.” 5. 由于急着去赴约,她匆匆忙完手头的事情。Eager to fulfill an appointment, she raced through the matter at hand.6. 就此事而言,不宜矫枉过正。 As far as the matter is concerned, it is no good righting it beyond a certain appro


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