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鲁迅故居导游词英语 Good morning, Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Exhibition Hall of Deng Xiaopings Former Residence. The exhibition hall is located in Deng Xiaoping’s hometown, Paifang Village of Guangan City, Sichuang province. It is by far the only special display hall commemorating the glorious life of Mr. Deng Xiaoping. There are many valuable historical relics, archives, documents and pictures, as well as restored scenes in digital film. These exhibits vividly and roundly represent the legendary life of Mr. Deng Xiaoping. Ladies and gentlemen, what we are now seeing is one of the precious exhibits. A cowboy hat. You may wonder, how can a high-crowned, wide–brimmed hat, which is a symbol of American cowboy culture, get associated with Mr. Deng Xiaoping. And why is the hat so precious? What is the story behind it? To learn the whole story we need to go back twenty five years ago. It was the time when China has just begun to reform and open up to the outside world. At the end of 1978, the two great countries in the world, China and The United States just announced that they would establish diplomatic relations on January 1, 1979. It seemed fated that something important would happen that year. In early 1979, President Carter invited Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping for an official good-will visit to the United States. This was the first visit by a Chinese leader to the U.S. after the founding of the People?s Republic of China. The visit caused a huge sensation wherever Mr. Deng went - Washington, Atlanta, Huston or Seattle. There were many diplomatic anecdotes during the visit, and the story related to the cowboy hat is always talked about excitedly . At the night of Feb 2, 1979, in a rodeo in Texas, when Mr. Deng Xiaoping stepped into the rodeo arena, the crowd stood up and applauded him warmly. Then suddenly, two horsewomen rode to Mr. Deng Xiaoping and presented a cowboy hat to him. It was an improvisation, totally beyond the reception plan, and people from both


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