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小松鼠的经典英语作文模板   导语:小松鼠一直个人的印象都是俏皮可爱,两只大大的板牙十分可爱,那么把它记录下来,编写成英语作文吧!欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!   优秀精选例文:   I kept a few goldfish, goldfish is my grandpa to store to buy.   The goldfish shape strange, their head hard, eyes like two black gems, mouth sometimes vomit a bubble, it looks interesting. Their body was covered with scales, flashing golden light, it looks like wearing a golden warrior of golden armor to save the planet. Of course the most special or their tails, their tails a shake a put, together, the goldfish swim fast can’t do without it. Goldfish tail shape is different, some like a pair of scissors, like to cut up all the advance to the sea; Some tail like a fork, fork like ahead of difficulties; And like a triangle, the avenue of guided it into light.   They eat the food scene can be funny. When feeding, grandpa in the goldfish bowl big goldfish to react at first, like a bottle of rush out of the arrow, other small fish have also flooded in. Like this big put little crowded, who all want to get the food, are scrambling to grab the struggle. I smiled at a side ha ha ha.   Goldfish sleep time is also very funny, they sink below the surface, or open the eyes, because there is no eyelids goldfish. The golden fish scales up, like a one sun in the water, is really beautiful.   I love you little goldfish!   Expert review:   In this paper, the author described on the appearance of the goldfish in the home and feeding, substantial in content, expressed the author affection of goldfish. This article writing using the overall structure, coherent, structured; The article language is fluent, the goldfish description using metaphor rhetoric makes the description vivid and lively language. Such as: “the goldfish shape strange, their head hard, eyes like two black gems, mouth sometimes vomit a bubble, it looks interesting.”   参考翻译:   秋天过去了,冬天即将来临,小松鼠的树洞里特别冷。于是,它决定盖一座新房子。   第二天一早,它就开始忙活了。小松鼠开始用手和稀泥,稀泥特别冷,小松鼠冻得直发抖。小白兔看见了,急忙跑回家,拿来了铁铲,帮助小松鼠和好了泥。   小松鼠要去村外用筐子运砖头,砖头又大又沉


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