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山东碧霞祠英文导游词   碧霞祠是道教主流全真派圣地,位于泰山极顶南侧,初建于1009年(宋真宗大中祥符二年)原名昭真祠,金代称昭真观,1488--1505年(明弘治年间)改名碧霞灵应宫,又称碧霞灵佑宫,1770年(清乾隆三十五年)重修后改称碧霞祠 沿用至今。以下是小编带来的山东碧霞祠英文导游词,希望对你有帮助。   Ladies and Gentlemen,   After a long hard and exhausting climb, here we are in the summit tour area of the mountain. The next spot we?re going to visit is Bixia Temple, a famous Taoist temple on the summit. Look, there it is. It?s on the other end of the Heaven Street. Shall we go? But before we get there, lets? have a quick view of the picturesque surroundings along the way.   This area is known as the summit tour area of Mt. Tai, and it is a wonderful part of the mountain, which is called a heavenly world. That gate we just stepped in is called South Heaven Gate and the road we’re now walking along is called Heaven Street. How do you feel now? Do you feel that “the sun is nearer and cloud’s lower”, and “ everything around is at your feet except for the sky”?   There are many spots of interest here, including Yuhuang Summit, Bixia Temple, Sunrise View Peak, Sea Pointing rock, Inscriptions on Daguan Peak, and so on. Also enjoyable on the summit are the top four good views of Mt. Tai, i.e. sunrise in the east, sunset glow, ribbon-shaped Yellow River in Distance, jade plates in rolling sea of cloud.   Well, Bixia Temple is coming near, now. Isnt resplendent bathing in golden sunshine? It was first built in the Song Dynasty, and was rebuilt and renovated for many times during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was originally named Zhaozhen Temple and got its present name since the Qing Dynasty. It is composed of four gates, three halls, dancing house, drum and bell towers, imperial tablet pavilions, incense burner pavilion. It is divided into two courtyards with a gate between, occupying about 3,900 square meters.   According to Daoism, almost everything has a god, for example, the sun, the moon, wind, rain, thunder, wealth and even the door. These gods are enshrined in Taoist monasteries and temples. Their icons



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