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翻开课本38页,和你的搭档一起来读一读吧! Tips: 1. 读得流利,声音响亮,学学录音的语调! 2. 读出感情,最好还能配上表情动作哦! 现在和你的搭档一起来演一演吧! Tips: 1. 声音响亮,语调优美。 2. 感情丰富,配上动作会很好! 3. 可以不看课本表演出来,那就更棒啦! 出示图片一角,让学生填空,多说几个。呈现整个句子,并听录音,强调读音。 出示板书条“is she in the …” 拿着板书条进行机械操练。 * Unit 4 My Home A Let’s talk Where is the toy car? I have many toys! Amy has a toy_______. 西方国家宠物就跟家里的人一样,也是家庭的一个成员哦! It’s _______. (samll,cute,lovely…) I have a cat. It’s cute. She’s Is she on the chair? Is she ___ the ____? study kitchen living room Q: Where is the cat? Is she in the living room? No, she isn’t. Is she in the study ? No, she isn’t. Is she in the kitchen ? Yes, she is. Look, she’s in the kitchen. Do you have a ? Do you have a ? Do you have ? 两人一组玩游戏,其中一人将玩具藏起来,请另一个人来找一找。 Tips: 1.可以用Is it in the …? 来询问。 2.藏玩具的范围不超出同伴两人的课桌范围内。 (藏) (找) A-Seek(找) B-Hide(藏) A: 1,2,3. Are you ready? B: Yes! Where is the______? A: Is it ___ the ________? B: No, it isn’t. …… A: Is it ___ the ________? B: Yes, it is. A: Oh, yeah! 可选词汇: in on under near desk chair schoolbag pencilcase… Listen to P.38 and act it, please. 听录音并表演P.38。 自我介绍,I’m miss ma, what’s your name? I’m so glad to be friends with you all, let’s play a game! well, do you like these toys? Our friend Amy also like toys! she has many toys at home. Let’s see. Now, it’s your turn! let’s read! 让学生读。 学生表演。老师给以掌声,或是奖品?? 如果哪一句读得不好,可以继续教,强调。表扬不看屏幕的学生! 出示图片一角,让学生填空,多说几个。呈现整个句子,并听录音,强调读音。 出示板书条“is she in the …” 拿着板书条进行机械操练。 让学生不停得模仿模仿模仿,听出she 小组读,男女PK读,个体读。。。 Where is she? Look, this is Amy’s home. let’s find it! Is she on the chair? Is she under the chair? Is she on the desk?......让学生来问一问。 最后出现完整图,教授study。 可以用听的方式来教授。So, this is a study. Is she in the study now? 学生会说,No, she isn’t. It’s not a study, where is she? it’s a ……让学生试着说一说,说完听音。 So, where is she? 学生会说,she is in the kitchen. 或者说she is on the phone. Now, is she in the kitchen? Is


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