新教材初一 Unit 4 Food 教案.docVIP

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新教材初一 Unit 4 Food 教案

新教材初一 Unit 4 Food 教案 单元要点分析: Express likes and dislikes ,如: I like rice. I dislike hamburgers. 2.? Use adverbs of frequency , 如: I usually have fish and vegetables. 3.? Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns如: some rice , two apples Understand and use the indefinite article如: I want to buy a book. I want to buy an e-dog. 教学目标 ? 本单元的重点在介绍年轻人的生活方式。 围绕食物, 谈论如何拥有一些平衡的饮食结构 以保持身体匀称, 健康。 通过语言技能的训练以达到本单元的教学目标: Listening: Guess the meanings of new words by looking at a question naire Develop effective listening skills to extract specific information Speaking: Formulate questions about diets and respond appropriately Ask WHquestions with the right intonation Read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes Reading: Guess general meanings of words from the context. ??? Identify specific meanings ??? Practise intensive reaching Writing: Express factual information bout diets and lifestyles based on the model article ??? Select appropriate vocabulary and sentence constructions to writ about personl details. 教材分析: Topics: Food Function: Talk about healthy food and lifestyles Target language: It is lunchtime ,Hobo. ? Let is have a hamburger. ? You are always hungry, Eddie. ? I need a lot of energy. ? Why? You never exercise. ? Yes , I do. I walk to my bowl many times a day . Vocabulary: hungry ,need ,never, exercise, hate, , vegetable, dancer, tired, ten ,important, healthy, change, before, seldom, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meat, top, juice, person, water, dry, ice, cream, story, glass, tea, of, course, favourite, kilo, salt, tomato, soup, less than, not…at all, try, feel, luck, carry, supermarket, large, take in, mean, fat, stay, taste Tasks: Healthy eating. ?? Task1: Writing an article on your diet ?? Task2; Reading your article to a partner to check for mistakes. 教学建议 让学生查字典或上网查询有关食物的词汇,并能进行归类和区分可数名词和不可数名词。 让同学为自己配制健康食谱,并在生活中使用。 让学生为自己选择适当


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