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智课网IELTS备考资料雅思写作大作文的用词和句法技巧 摘要: 为了帮助考生们更好地复习雅思考试,小马过河雅思频道为各位考生整理了雅思写作大作文的用词和句法技巧,供考生们参考使用,更多雅思听力辅导请继续关注小马过河雅思频道。 下面 小马 过河 雅思 频道为大家整理了大作文的用词和句法技巧,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。 一、并列结构的使用 通过对官方范文的研究发现,考生在用并列结构提高句型档次的时候可以从以下几个层面入手: 1. 名词并列: n1,n2,n3,… 这种并列又可以具体通过以下2种结构实现: a). A,B,C,… and other Xs b). X,such Y as A,B,C,… i. Reading,writing,listening and other academic subjects could be learned from books,or primarily from books. ii. Some knowledge,such academic subjects as reading,writing,listening,could be learned from books,or primarily from books. iii. It is of great importance for people to read imaginative literature,such as poetry,novels or mythology. iv. It is of great importance for people to read novels and other types of imaginative literature such as poetry and mythology. 2. 名词性成分并列: n. + what/how/whether/if… 这种并列又可以具体通过以下2种结构实现: 《《《《小马独家奉献托福、托福机经、雅思、SAT、SSAT更多资料点击下载》》》》 a). what=something that b). how=the way/manner in which i. Most parents educate their children merely by instinct rather than proper pedagogy,and usually do not care about their relationship with children and how much neglect influences the future development of their children. ii. Most students are eager to obtain knowledge,but they lack the sense of what is good,or what is necessary and how much a deficiency in the concept of viewing the situation as a whole would mislead them. iii. My fellow Americans,ask not what your country can do for you,ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizen of the world,ask not what American will do for you,but what together we can do for the freedom of man. (John Kennedy) 3. 形容词成分并列: a). a1 and a2+n b). a1+yet/but+a2+n c). a1,a2+n+that… d). a1,a2,so a3 that/as to… i. a small town à a small and peaceful town a good teacher à a good and very impressive teacher a stupid decision à a stupid and incorrigible decision ii. a simple yet effective method a direct and simple yet magica


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