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Convergent Evolution of Chicken Z and Human X Chromosomes by Expansion and Gene AcquisitionDaniel W. Bellott1, Helen Skaletsky1, Tatyana Pyntikova1, Elaine R. Mardis2, Tina Graves2,Colin Kremitzki2, Laura G. Brown1, Steve Rozen1, Wesley C. Warren2, Richard K. Wilson2,and David C Page11 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Whitehead Institute, and Department of Biology,Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 9 Cambridge Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142,USA2 The Genome Center, Washington University School of Medicine, 4444 Forest Park Boulevard,St. Louis Missouri 63108, USAAbstract摘要In birds, as in mammals, one pair of chromosomes differs between the sexes. In birds, males are ZZ and females ZW. In mammals, males are XY and females XX. Like the mammalian XY pair, the avian ZW pair is believed to have evolved from autosomes, with most change occurring in the chromosomes found in only one sex – the W and Y chromosomes1–5. By contrast, the sex chromosomes found in both sexes – the Z and X chromosomes – are assumed to have diverged little from their autosomal progenitors2. Here we report findings that overturn this assumption for both the chicken Z and human X chromosomes. The chicken Z chromosome, which we sequenced essentially to completion, is less gene-dense than chicken autosomes but contains a massive tandem array containing hundreds of duplicated genes expressed in testes. A comprehensive comparison of the chicken Z chromosome to the finished sequence of the human X chromosome demonstrates that each evolved independently from different portions of the ancestral genome.正如在哺乳动物中那样,在鸟类中,不同性别的个体有一对染色体不同。鸟类雄性的性染色体组成为ZZ,雌性则为ZW。在哺乳动物中,则是雄性为XY,雌性为XX。与哺乳动物XY这对染色体相同,大部分变化发生在只有一种性别具有的染色体上——W和Y染色体,因而鸟类的ZW染色体也被认为是由常染色体演化而来。与之相反,两种性别都具有的染色体——Z和X染色体,被认为与它们的常染色体祖先并没有很大差别。这里将报告我们推翻先前关于鸡Z和人X染色体设想的发现。我们对于鸡Z染色体的测序工作基本完成,发现其基因密集程度低于常染色体,但却含有大量的串联重复序列,它们包含在睾丸中表达的数以百计的重复基因。通过对鸡Z染色体和已完成的人类X染色体进行综合比对,我们发现它们是由原始染色体组的不同部分独立演化而来的。Despite this independence, the chicken Z and human X chromosom


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