full formal reports(完整的正式报告).doc

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full formal reports(完整的正式报告)

ChE 333 Writing Guide Table of Contents ChE 333, 414, 424 Writing Guide 1 Table of Contents 2 1.0 Introduction 3 1.1 Common Mistakes in Report Writing 3 1.2 Labelling Figures and Tables 4 1.3 MS Word FAQ 5 2.0 Full Formal Reports: 8 2.1 Abstract 8 2.2 Table of Contents 8 2.3 Nomenclature 9 2.4 Introduction 9 2.5 Theory 9 2.6 Apparatus 10 2.7 Procedure 11 2.8 Results and Discussion 11 2.9 Conclusion 12 2.10 Recommendations 13 2.11 References 13 2.12 Appendices 14 3.0 Brief Report 16 3.1 Summary 16 4.0 Technical Memorandum 17 4.1 Suggested Format of a Tech Memo 17 4.2 Notes on Tech Memos 18 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this writing guide is to inform students in the chemical engineering laboratory courses (ChE 333, 414, 424) of the requirements and expectations for full formal reports, brief reports, and technical memos. It is intended that this writing guide be used in conjunction with the textbook Writing Style and Standards in Undergraduate Reports (2004) by Jeter and Donnell. It is hoped that using this guide will not only improve the students writing, and thus their grade, but also accelerate the writing process. 1.1 Common Mistakes in Report Writing The following list is a compilation of common mistakes made when preparing reports and memos. The following things should be avoided: Writing in the first person, i.e. I observed that, We then turned on the pump, This lab was performed by Jennifer and Tom. Putting new information, not discussed in the results and discussion section, in the conclusion. Referring to figures without explaining its meaning, its trends, and its implications. Note that it is the duty of the report author, not the reader, to interpret data. Failing to discuss the experimental apparatus and measurement devices in technical memos. 1.2 Labelling Figures and Tables The following is an example of how figures and tables should be labelled. Note that both have descrip


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