functionsofthe circulatory system(functionsofthe循环系统).doc

functionsofthe circulatory system(functionsofthe循环系统).doc

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functionsofthe circulatory system(functionsofthe循环系统)

BLOOD FLOW AND THE CONTROL OF BLOOD PRESSURE Goal of cardiovascular regulation is the maintenance of adequate blood flow thru peripheral tissues and organs. Under normal circumstances blood flow is equal to cardiac output. When cardiac output goes up ( blood flow goes up ( more blood thru capillaries ( more blood to tissue cells When cardiac output declines ( blood flow goes down ( less blood thru capillaries ( less blood to tissue cells The afterload of the heart is determined by the interplay between pressure and resistance (forces like friction between blood and vessels that oppose blood flow) PRESSURE Blood is incompressible Hydrostatic pressure is generated by the force exerted in all directions against blood If there was no resistance in the cardiovascular system, there would be no need for the heart to generate pressure to force the blood thru the systemic and pulmonary systems A pressure gradient does exist and blood flows from a high pressure to a low pressure The flow rate is directly proportional to the pressure gradient. The greater the pressure, the faster the flow The lower the pressure, the slower the flow In the systemic circuit (blood between heart and all tissues except lungs), the pressure gradient is the circulatory pressure (CP) The pressure difference between the base of the ascending aorta and the entrance to the right atrium Circulatory pressure averages around 100 mmHg This pressure is needed primarily to force blood through the arterioles (resistance vessels) and into peripheral capillaries (where gas exchange takes place) Circulatory pressure is divided into 3 components: Blood pressure (BP) This is arterial pressure (elastic muscular arteries and arterioles) and ranges from an average of 100mm Hg to roughly 35 mm Hg at the start of the capillary network Capillary pressure Pressure within the capillary beds. Along the length of a typical capillary (only place gas exchange is taking place), pressure declines from roughly 35 mm Hg to 18


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