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焦点教育出品-2013年SAT阅读实践练习题-文学SAT Subject Test PracticeLiteratureWell versed in literature? The Literature Subject Test gives you the opportunity to highlight your strengths in reading and interpreting literary texts from a variety of historical periods and genres. Taking the test also gives you the opportunity to showcase your interests and enhance your college application.Read the following poem carefully before you choose your answers.View PassagePassage??Against that time (if ever that time come)When I shall see thee frown on my defects,When as thy love hath cast his utmost sum,Called to that audit by advised respects—Line 5Against that time when thou shalt strangely pass,And scarcely greet me with that sun, thine eye,When love, converted from the thing it was,Shall reasons find of settled gravity—Against that time do I ensconce me hereLine 10Within the knowledge of mine own desert,And this my hand against myself uprear,To guard the lawful reasons on thy part.To leave poor me thou has the strength of laws,Since why to love I can allege no cause.(1609)1、If the speaker is implying in line 10 that he is not deserving of love, which of the following most strongly supports the implication?(A) defects (line 2)(B) utmost sum (line 3)(C) strangely (line 5)(D) love, converted (line 7)(E) settled gravity (line 8)The correct answer is?AExplanationDifficulty: EasyChoice A is correct. The word defects refers to the speakers sense of his own weaknesses or failures to meet the expectations of others. It would support an argument by the speaker that he did not deserve to be loved.2、The speaker of the poem is addressing(A) an unspecified general audience(B) a friend of the speakers beloved(C) a lover(D) a former lover(E) a legal adviserThe correct answer is?CExplanationDifficulty: MediumChoice C is correct. The person being addressed in the poem is presented as loving and being loved by the speaker.3、The speaker imagines a time in the future when he might(A) no longer be in love(B) n


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