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毕业设计 题 目 处理工艺设计 学 院 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 二〇一四年月日[1]。同时,啤酒废水排出也会带来很多的环境问题。啤酒废水水量较大,水质变化较大,有机污染物、固体悬浮物等含量较高,BOD/COD值可高达0.5以上,可生化性较好。如果对啤酒废水不进行及时处理,进入水体后会大量消耗水中的氧,使水中氧气不足,破坏水体环境,使水质受到严重危害。本次设计中采用IC反应器+CASS处理工艺,可有效去除啤酒废水中的各种污染物,最终得以达标排放。 本设计中啤酒废水水量为3000/d。设计进水水质各项指标:BOD5浓度为1000 mg/L,CODcr浓度为2000 mg/L,SS浓度为300 mg/L,T-N浓度为28 mg/L,T-P浓度为4.2 mg/L,NH4-N浓度为24 mg/L,PH值为6~9。处理后水质指标浓度:BOD5为20mg/L,CODcr为80 mg/L,SS为60 mg/L,T-N为12 mg/L,T-P为0.4mg/L,NH4-N为12 mg/L,PH为6~9。符合《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)中的III类水域的一级排放标准即:BOD5 ≤ 30 mg/L,CODCr ≤ 100 mg/L,SS ≤ 70mg/L,T-N≤15,T-P≤0.5,NH4-N≤15低运行成本,从而节省投资。 关键词:啤酒废水;IC;CASS; ABSTRACT In recent years, as peoples living standards gradually improve, the beer industry has been rapid development. At present, in our country, Beer manufacturers are more than one thousand, and the beer output ranked first in the world, so china is one of the fastest growing region in the worlds beer market. At the same time, the discharge of beer wastewater has brought great burden to the environment. The beer wastewater is large, the level of organic pollutants and suspended solids content is high, the variation of water quality is dramaticlly, BOD/COD can be as high as 0.5 or even more, and the biodegradability is better. Without treatment, it will consume a large amount of dissolved oxygen in water which is discharged into the water, resulting in hypoxia, doing great damage to the water environment, so the quality of water will greatly been changed. This design used the IC +CASS processing craft to remove each kind of pollutant in the beer waste water in order to reach the standards to discharge. The beer waste water treatment capacity of this design is 3000/d. The design influent water quality indicators concentration is: the concentration of BOD5 is 1000 mg/L , the concentration of CODCr is 2000 mg/L, the concentration of SS is 3


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