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Representation Segmentation techniques yield raw data in the form of pixels along a boundary or pixels contained in a region representing region in 2 ways in terms of its external characteristics (its boundary) ? focus on shape characteristics in terms of its internal characteristics (its region) ? focus on regional properties, e.g., color, texture Sensitivity feature selected as descriptors should be as insensitive as possible to variations in size translation rotation following descriptors satisfy one or more of these properties. 边界段 Boundary Segments convex hull H of an arbitrary set S is the smallest convex set containing S the set different H-S is called convex deficiency D of the set S Skeletons Boundary Descriptors length of a boundary  边界的长度 Diameters      边界的直径 Eccentricity      偏心率 Curvature       曲率 shape numbers    形状数 Fourier descriptors  傅里叶描述子 Length of a boundary the number of pixels along a boundary give a rough approximation of its length Diameters D is a distance measure pi and pj are points on the boundary B Eccentricity ratio of the major to the minor axis major axis = the line connecting the two extreme points that comprise the diameter minor axis = the line perpendicular to the major axis Curvature the rate of change of slope difficult to do as digital boundaries tend to be locally “ragged” using the difference between the slopes of adjacent boundary segments (which represented as straight lines) use Merging and Splitting to create adjacent boundary segments concave, convex and coner Topological descriptors 的离散Fourier 变换是: 来描述分割对象的封闭边界,其中高频系数对应着轮廓的细节,而低频分量对应着轮廓的总体形状, 直流分量对应边界所包围区域的几何中心 。 用 可以由Fourier变换系数重建边界曲线的轮廓形状 : 可用 的前M个系数来近似描述封闭边界的大概的轮廓. 1.平移对Fourier 变换系数的影响 平移动只改变 其他系数不变。 2.旋转对傅里叶系数的影响 若取坐标原点在边界曲线所包围区域的几何中心上,令曲线逆时针方向旋转一个角度 旋转后的傅里叶系数等于原傅里叶系数乘以 旋转后傅里叶变换幅度谱 并没有改变。 3.尺度变换对傅里叶系数的影响 若取坐标原点在边界曲线所包围区域的几何中心上,曲线的尺度放大C倍 傅里叶系数也放大C倍,通过归一化后可以消去C 4.开始点位置对傅里叶系数的影响 选取开始点不同,相当于一维复数序列做了循环移位,序列满足周期边界条件。 傅里叶变换系数幅


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