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城市生活垃圾污染治理现状、问题及对策的思考 摘要 生活垃圾是工地建设过程中产生一系列的生活废弃物生活垃圾如果处理不好,将会对整个社会的管理水平造成很大的冲击,也会影响城市的正常发展所以,当前如何处理生活垃圾已经成为全社会共同的问题自1995年以来,我国也相继出台了多项法律法规政策规定生活垃圾的倾倒和处罚措施,垃圾的管理重视程度在逐步加大,也在要求各部门联合执法,共同查处违法倾倒生活垃圾的行为笔者本次论文写作过程中采用了文献法和直接调查法搜集了大量一线可靠的数据资料,支撑本次论文的数据但是,笔者在论写作的过程中进行大量走访调查,调查发现,我国当前生活垃圾管理程度不高,垃圾运输缺乏专业资格证书和官方政府认定生活垃圾未能按规定摆放,生活材料未能得到有效管理,而工地上也很少有明确国家对生活垃圾的相关法律法规政策,生活垃圾管理制度有待完善和提高这些问题集中起来,造成我国当前生活垃圾管理现状混乱,仍有很大的改进空间针对这种情况,笔者大胆建议国家首先要完善法律法规体系,形成具体可靠的生活垃圾管理条例,而地方政府也要在执行国家相关规定的情况下联合执法,对生活工地进行不定时的检查和监督,提高执法水平和管理能力,从而具体降低生活垃圾城市的危害。第三是运用科学技术成果进行生活垃圾资源化管理,尽可能采用回收利用的生活垃圾,从源头上减少生活垃圾的数量在生活垃圾产生之后,把生活垃圾进行2次回收和生产,从而控制施工过程中存在的生活垃圾危害。 Abstract: Construction waste is a series of construction waste generated in the process of the construction site, construction waste, if not handled properly, will be on society as a whole management level caused great impact, will also affect the citys normal development. So, how to deal with construction waste has become a common problem of the whole society. Since 1995, China also unveiled a a number of laws, regulations, policies, regulations of construction waste dumping and punishment measures, for waste management emphasis is gradually increasing, also at the request of a joint law enforcement departments to jointly investigate and deal with illegal dumping of construction waste. The author of this thesis writing process, using the literature method and the direct investigation method, collected a large number of reliable data, support the data of this paper. However, the author in the process of writing for a large number of visits to the investigation, survey found, Chinas current construction waste management degree is not high, waste transportation lack of professional qualification certificates and official government finds that construction waste according to provisions placed, building materials have not been effective management, and site few clear state of the construction waste of relevant laws, regulations and policies, the construction waste


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