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Step3 Gage RR Analysis Example 样品 Measure Fuel Injector Nozzle Diameters 测量喷油嘴直径 The specification for the nozzle diameter is 9012+/- 4microns. 喷嘴的直径应在9012+/- 4microns之间 Variable变量 Description Nozzle 喷嘴 Fuel injector nozzle measured 喷油嘴测量 Operator操作者 Operator who measured 操作者测量 Run Order 运行 Original run order of the experiment 实验最初运行 Diam直径 Measured diameter of nozzle (microns) 油嘴测量直径 Step3 Gage RR Analysis Study Variation use 6 sigma 研究变量用6 ∑ Input Upper, Lower spec OR Upper spec-Lower spec 输入高级,低级或者高级-低级规格 Use Alpha to remove interaction term 0.05 用Alpha来移除0.05重复性 Step3 Gage RR Analysis Minitab produces both graphical and numerical analysis information Minitab同时产生图标和数据分析信息 Graphical Results 图标结果 X-Bar / R chart Components of Variation 变量组成部分 Operator*Part Interaction Plot 操作者和部分交互线索 By Operator and By Part mean effects plots 通过操作者和部分表示效应图 Numerical Results数据结果 ANOVA table(s) 方差分析表 Components of Variation变量组成部分 Gage RR 量具的再现性和重复性 Gage RR Analysis Interpreting Result – 1.ANOVA table(s) 结果分析-方差分析表 Minitab calculate P-Value minitab计算P值 Minitab generates a2nd ANOVA table. Minitab产生第二因素方差分析表 In this case the p-value for Nozzle*Operator is 0.707.Therefore Minitab removes it and generates 2nd ANOVA table. 在这个情况下,油嘴和操作者的P值是0.707,因此Minitab把它移除并产生第二因素方差分析表 Step3 Gage RR Analysis Interpreting Result – 2.Component of Variation结果解析-变量组成部分 Repeatability重复性 Reproducibility再现性 Part-to-Part部分 Ideally, Part-to-Part should account for most of the variability, repeatability and reproducibility should be very small.在理想状况下,部分应该是导致大部分偏差的原因,重复性和再现性的影响应该是非常小的。 Therefore, 99.2% of the total variation is due to the differences between parts. This high % Contribution is considered very good. 因此,99.2%的偏差是因为每个部分之间的差异导致的。这个高百分比的原因是非常好的。 Step3 Gage RR Analysis Interpreting Result – 3.Gage RR NDC Description 2 The system cannot discriminate between parts = 2 Part can be divided into high and low groups = 5 The system is acceptable ( according to the AIAG) and can disti



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