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动词不定式表目的详解 一个基本形式 两个表目的短语 三者的区别比较 否定式的用法 真题演练 to do sth 表目的 Plants attack the zombies(僵尸) to defend the house. The zombies attack the plants to invade(侵占) the house. To denfend the house, the plants attack the zombies To invade the house, the zombies attack the plants. to do 在前 注意点一 人称的一致性 -Why do you decide to marry me?said the zombie. - To play plants and zombies.said the plant to do 在前 注意点二 语气较随意 多用于口语问答 基本形式 sb do sth to do sth to do sth,sb do sth 小练习 make some sentences to express their feelings 两个表目的 专业户 in order to do so as to do 较多用于句首 较多用于句中 In order to escape from the panda,Miss Bamboo runs quickly Miss Bamboo runs quickly so as to escape from the panda 三者的区别比较 区别 语气更强烈 文体更正式 in order to do/ so as to do to do in order to do so as to do 注意点 so+形容词/副词+as to 即可表目的 也可表结果 Miss bamboo runs so quickly as to escape from the panda. 判断意思要结合具体语境 否定式的用法 表否定目的 not 在to 前 in order not to do so as not to do 注意 一般不用 not to do(表结果) in order not to be eaten by the panda, Miss Bamboo runs quickly Miss Bamboo runs quickly so as not to be eaten by the panda 实战演练 Last weekend I went to the library _________ some books on how to protect environment.(咸宁) A. to borrow B. borrow C. borrowed D. borrowing A 实战演练 His parents often encourage him _________ hard.(湖南) A. work B. working C. to work D. works c 实战演练 --- _________late, my parents always tell me go to bed early . A. in order to not get up B. in order to get up C. in order not to get up D. so as to not to get up c


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