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学 士 学 位 论 文 题 目 人民币汇率升值对出口企业的影响 学 生 薛露露 指导教师 张良 年 级 2006级 班 级 经贸一班 学 号 0603240136 专 业 英 语(经贸) 学 院 外语学院 长春师范学院 2009年 月 人民币汇率升值对出口企业的影响 薛露露 摘 要:汇率是一种货币相对于另一种货币的价格,汇率是决定要素配置并引领市场走向的一个非常重要的杠杆和变量。汇率的升值与变质会直接传到进出口商品的服务价格上,从而影响到进出口规模、增长速度和经济发展。一般而言,本币升值有利于扩大进口、抑制出口;本币贬值则有利于扩大出口、抑制进口。中国改个开房30年来,出口持续的高速增长导致的中国贸易顺差连创新高。一方面,高额的贸易顺差,带来国内市场美元的供大于求,因此造成人民币存在着升值的内在压力;同时外汇储备不断增加导致的外汇款增加,造成了国内流动性的过剩,影响到抑制信贷和投资增长的努力;另一方面,中国高额的贸易顺差也为国外诸多经济体要求人民币升值而提供了加压口舌,从而使我果目前面临着空前的人民币升值压力。本文在分析人民币升值的背景及原因的基础上,并结合世纪论述了人民币升值对我国当前进出口贸易的有利和不利的影响,并就如何应对人民币升值促进我国进出口贸易的发展提出了一些意见。 关键词:汇率 人民币 升值 进出口贸易 通货膨胀 The RMB exchange rate appreciation on the impact of export enterprises xuelulu Abstract: The exchange rate is a currency relative to the price of another currency, the exchange rate is to determine the elements of configuration and lead the market towards a very important leverage and variables. The exchange rate appreciation and the deterioration will be directly transmitted to the import and export commodities, the price of services, thus affecting the import and export of scale, by constant velocity and economic development. In general, the currency appreciation is conducive to the expansion of imports, has been exported; currency depreciation is needed to expand exports and curb imports. China to open a change of room 30 years ago, exports continued to lead the rapid growth of Chinas trade surplus hit new high. On the one hand, high trade surplus,U.S. dollars to bring the domestic market oversupply, resulting in the appreciation of the RMB there is an inherent pressure; the same time, rising foreign exchange reserves led to increased foreign remittances, resulting in the excess domestic liquidity affects curb credit and investment growth efforts; On the other hand, Chinas high trade surplus for many foreign economies to revalue its currency to provide a pressurized tongue, so I fruit is facing an unprec


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