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湖南省网球运动高校开展的现状分析及对策研究 摘 要:本文运用文献查阅、问卷调查、等多种研究方法,对于网球文化在高校中的推广与传播出现的问题,解决的方法以及高校网球文化营造的作用进行阐述。并且提出高校网球文化的营造具有现实意义。并对高校网球文化在学生中的影响与推广的现状进行了分析与研究。研究结果表明:高校网球文化的推广离不开学校社会各界的支持,各高校网球运动的推广应该与各地不同的地域差异、体育特色、经济环境相结合起来,运动多种的推广方法和手段,提高推广着的本身素质。充分的以大学校园这一特殊起点,把网球运动与社会结合起来,推动中国网球运动的发展。 关键词: 网球;运动;高校;现状分析;对策研究 The Hunan Province tennis movement universities develops the present situation analysis and the countermeasure grind Abstract : This article utilizes the literature consult, the questionnaire survey and so on the many kinds of research technique, regarding the tennis culture the question which appears in universities promotion and the dissemination, the function which the solution method as well as the universities tennis culture builds carries on the elaboration. And proposed the universities tennis culture builds has the practical significance. And has carried on the analysis and the research to the universities tennis culture in students influence and the promoted present situation. The findings indicated that, The universities tennis culture promotion cannot leave the school society from all walks of life support, each place tennis culture promotion should with each place different region difference, the sports characteristic, the economic environment unify, the movement many kinds of promotions method and the method, improve is promoting itself quality. Full by university campus this special beginning, unifies the tennis culture and the society, impels the Chinese tennis movement the development Key words: Tennis; Movement; Universities; Present situation analysis; The countermeasure grinds 1 前言: 1.1 研究的背景 网球运动起源于公元五世纪古希腊的托斯卡纳( Tuscany) ,更为普遍接受的观点是认为起源于法国。早在12 - 13 世纪,法国的传教士们就在教堂的回廊里,用手掌击打一种里面裹着头发的布球,以此来调剂刻板的教堂生活。后来这种活动传入法国宫廷,并成为当时贵族的一种娱乐游戏。16 世纪法国国王还有17 世纪英国斯图亚特王朝的国王们都是这种游戏的热衷者。因为皇室的大力支持,网球除了在美国被称为Court Ten2nis ,英国、澳大利亚等国还称网球为Real tennis ,Royal Tennis。1873 年,英国人改进了早期网球的打法制定了规则,采用Love , Fifteen , Thirty , Forty , Deuce , Advantage 的记分



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