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煤化工发展现状及前景展望 摘要:煤化工是指以煤为原料,经化学加工使煤转化为气体、液体和固体燃料和固体产品或半产品,而后进一步加工成化工、能源产品的工业。煤化工几乎与人类社会的各方面都有着广泛而密切的联系,它既为国民经济各部门的发展提供名目繁多的原材料,又为人民生活增添丰富多采的消费品。传统煤化工发展潜力有限。传统煤化工包括煤焦化、煤电石、煤合成氨等领域,在油价大幅度攀升的背景下确立了一定的成本优势。然而,由于这几个领域技术门槛较低进入者众多,同时能耗大、污染严重等,目前已经被国家政策列为限制发展的范围。尤其是焦炭和电石行业,由于产能快速扩张致使生产能力已经明显过剩,行业竞争激烈,其增长空间受到一定的限制。 关键词:煤化工;模式;新能源;前景 Development status and Prospect of coal chemical industry (School of chemistry and chemical engineering, chemical class 10-3, 120103305036) Abstract: coal chemical industry treats coal as raw material, making the conversion of coal to gas, liquid and solid fuels and solid products or semi-finished product by the chemical processing, and then the coal is further processed into chemicals and energy products. Coal chemical industry with almost each respect of human society has an extensive and close contact. It not only for various departments of national economy development to provide a multitude of names of the raw material but also for the people to add life to be rich and varied consumer goods. The traditional coal chemical industry limited development potential. The traditional coal chemical industry including coal coking coal, calcium carbide, coal fields in synthetic ammonia,and oil price is climbed substantially litre background to establish a certain cost advantage. However, because of the low threshold into several areas of technology is numerous and large energy consumption, serious pollution, it has been listed as a national policy of limiting the development of range. Especially, the coke and calcium carbide industries, due to rapid expansion of production capacity resulting in production capacity has apparently superfluous, industry competition is intense,and the growth space is limited. Key words: coal chemical; pattern; new energy; Prospect 1 引言 煤化工是指以煤为原料,经化学加工使煤转化为气体、液体和固体燃料和固体产品或半产品,而后进一步加工成化工、能源产品的工业[1]。主要包括煤的气化、液化、干馏,以及焦油加工和电石乙炔化工等。随着世界石油资源不断减少,煤化工有着广阔的前景。煤化工产业是国家鼓励发展的新兴产业,从长期看,也是国家能源结构变化的基本趋向之一。 在煤化工可利用的生产技术中,炼焦是应用最早的工艺,并且至今仍然


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