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PINGDINGSHAN UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 题 目: “淘宝双十一活动”探析 院(系): 经济与管理学院 专业年级: 2010级工商管理 2014年月日In Taobao double eleven activities of 2013 , the clothing sales on the net exceeded 10 billion yuan within 40 minutes. There are 98,000 parcels in one minute, with an increase of 1.7 times the number of parcels compared with 2012. The sales amount to $ 35 billion in Taobao double eleven activities, which becomes the worlds largest online shopping festival. The success of Taobao double eleven activities has roused great attention. This thesis analyzes the origin, development and the promotion strategies of the Taobao double eleven activities”. However, this activity also has some deficiencies. For example, the logistics overwhelmes, the system of Taobao net is imperfect, the sellers are not honest and integrate, the after-sales service is not perfect, and some small businesses are hard to survive and so on. For these problems, this thesis gives deep analysis and comes up with suggestions in order to let other businesses draw lessons from the success of Taobao double eleven activities as well as being aware of deficiencies,which can provide important references to their promotional activities. Keywords: Taobao, Tmall, Double eleven , Taobao, Promotion policies 目 录 前 言 1 一、“淘宝双十一活动”的由来与发展 2 (一)“淘宝双十一”的创意来源 3 (二)“淘宝双十一活动”品牌影响力日益增强 3 (三)促销日的选择 4 (四)“淘宝双十一活动”的促销组合策略 5 二、“淘宝双十一活动”存在的问题 7 (一)物流环节不堪重负导致瘫痪 7 (二)淘宝网系统不完善给消费者购物带来不便 7 (三)部分卖家存在不诚信行为,损害了消费者的利益 8 (四)售后服务不够完善 8 (五)买家购买力爆发打破消费平衡 8 三、对“淘宝双十一活动”存在问题的建议 9 (一)建立完善的物流体系 9 (二)创建更稳定并且能承受压力的购物系统 10 (三)加大对淘宝商家的监督 10 (四)建立优质完善的售后服务 11 (五)创立更有利于小商家发展的平台 11 结束语 12 参考文献 13 致 谢 14 前 言 截至201年月底,我国网民规模达5.91亿,全年新增网民万人互联网普及率4%,较201年底提升个百分点电子商务一词源自于Electronic Business,就是通过电子手段进行的商业事务活动。通过使用互联网等电子工具,使公司内部、供应商、客户和合作伙伴之间,利用电子业务共享信息,实现企业间业务流程的电子化,配合企业内部的电子化生产管理系统,提高企业的生产、库存、流通和资金等各个环节的效率。讲,电子商务(Electronic Commerce,简称EC)是指通过


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