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江西峰华豆制品有限公司污水处理 摘 要 食品工业在我国国民经济中起着重要的作用,同时,食品工业废水的处理也越来越受到人们关注。一般而言,食品工业废水的特点是:高营养(COD、BOD值均很高),悬浮物浓度高、可生化性能好。 本设计目的是良好地处理江西峰华有限公司的生产废水。根据该生产废水的生化性较好的特点,决定采用生化法对该废水进行处理。而在经过对各种生化法仔细分析对比之后,本设计决定采用UASB—生物接触氧化结合为主体的处理工艺。采用以格栅、斜管沉淀作为预处理工艺,以UASB和生物接触氧化工艺去除废水中的化学需氧量和生化需氧量,最后通过二沉池深度处理后达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)中的二级标准之后排放。 本设计包含污水处理工艺流程的确定,并对整个工艺做了详细的论证和说明,工艺流程中各单体的计算,施工图纸的绘制等。本工程的实施将显著改善受纳水体水质,同时间接产生经济效益,促进经济可持续发展。 关键词:UASB,生物接触氧化工艺,污水处理,豆制品 The Wastewater Treatment of Jiangxi Fenghua Bean products Limited Liability Company Abstract The food industry plays an important role in our national economy. At the same time, the wastewater treatment of food industry is attached to more and more attention. In general, the food industry wastewater is characterized by: high nutrition (the COD and the BOD values are high), high suspended solids concentration and the biochemical properties is good. This design is aimed to make wastewater, which is producted by Jiangxi feng Bean Products Limited Liability Company, get well-treated. Since the biochemical property of this wastewater is good, the biochemical method is adoptted to deal with the wastewater. And after comparing various biochemical methods carefully, I decided to adopt the process which mainly contains of bio-contact oxidation and up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket. First of all, grille and Inclined tube sedimentation tank are used as pre-treatment technology. Then UASB and bio-contact oxidation process can remove most of the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in the wastewater. Finally, the wastewater, which meets the integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB8978-1996) of the secondary standard, discharges after being deeply treated by secondary sedimentation tank Keyword:upflow anaerobic sludge blanket,iological contact oxidation,wastewater treatment,bean product 目录 摘 要 I Abstract II 前 言 1 ◆ 第一部分 设计说明书 2 第一章 概述 2 1.1 项目说明 2 1.2 编制依据、原则及范围 2 1.3 工程设计规模及涉及范围 2 1.4 采用的主要标准及规范 3 第二章 污水处理厂


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