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目录 摘要 2 Abstract 3 引言 4 一、主题公园存在与发展的战略分析 4 二、 清明上河园的发展现状 7 三、从产品开发和服务管理看清园的经营 8 (一)产品开发和服务管理的成功之处 8 (二) 清园服务管理中的不足之处 13 四、 从整合营销的角度看清园的经营 14 (一)清园整合营销的不足 14 (二)清园应该采取的整合营销策略 16 五、 从品牌建设看清园 19 (一)清园品牌建设的误区 19 (二)清园应该坚持的品牌策略 20 六、 上河园存在的重要意义 23 结语 24 谢辞 26 参考文献 27 附录 28 清明上河园经营探析 摘要 主题公园着重于特别的构思,围绕着一个或几个主题创造一系列特别的环境和气氛吸引旅游者,是以特有的文化内容为主体,以现代科技和文化手段为表现,以市场创新为导向的人工景区,是集诸多娱乐内容、休闲要素和服务接待设施于一体的现代旅游目的地。自深圳华侨城集团的微缩景区“锦绣中华”开业以来,主题公园在我国取得了很大的发展,在产业实践中陆续有一批成功的主题公园项目出现。清明上河园于1998年在开封正式向广大游客开放,成为河南首家主题公园,在取得一定成绩的基础上,开放了二期、三期工程。本文从服务管理、产品设计、整合营销、品牌延伸的角度分析了清明上河园经营中的优势和劣势,并对清明上河园的产品升级、品牌拓展、服务提升提出了自己的意见,再次基础上希望对其他同类型的主题公园建设有所借鉴。 关键词 :主题公园;清明上河园;产品设计;整合营销;品牌延伸。 Abstract Theme park, focusing on the extraordinary ideas, revolves around one or several themes to create the special environment and exceptive atmosphere, thus attracting the tourist easily. Moreover, the theme park is the man-made scenic area, being themed by the specific culture, being manifesting by the modern technology and cultural strategy, as well as being oriented by the market. As a modern tourism destination, theme park is a group enterprise integrating essential element of fashion, recreational content and reception facilities. Theme Park has achieved great development in china since the opening of “Splendid China” .In the industries practice ,a lot of very successful Theme Park turn up in China. In 1998 , Millennium City Park formally opened to tourists, and became the first theme park in Henan. Based on the great achievements, Millennium City Park opened its second-phase and third-phase project to the public. In this paper, the author aims to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the running of Millennium City Park from the aspect of Service Management, Design of Products, Integrated Marketing and Brand-extension .Besides, author will also put forward his own opinion on the Product Upgrade, Rand Development and Service-enabling of Millennium City Park ,which aims to offer suggestions to the constructions


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