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目 录 摘要 2 第一章、绪论 4 第二章、工艺流程论证 6 第一节、烟气脱硫技术 6 第二节、烟气除尘技术 10 第三章、工艺流程的选择 15 第四章、旋转喷雾干燥脱硫技术简介 18 第五章、过程设计计算 23 第一节 旋转喷雾干燥法设计参数 23 第二节 喷雾干燥塔主体设备结构尺寸计算 24 第三节 旋转喷雾装置的主要附属设备的设计或选型 29 第六章、旋转喷雾干燥法烟气脱硫工艺的技术经济评价 40 参考文献 42 摘要 燃煤烟气脱硫(Flue Gas Desulfurization ,简称FGD)是目前世界上唯一大规模商业化应用的脱硫技术。世界各国研究开发的烟气脱硫技术达200多种,但商业应用的不超过20种。在中、大型电站锅炉中,目前商业应用最为广泛的脱硫方法是进行烟气脱硫。按脱硫过程是否加水和脱硫产物的干湿形态,烟气脱硫可分为湿法、半干法和干法三类工艺。湿法脱硫技术成熟,效率高,Ca/S比低,运行可靠,操作简单,但脱硫产物的处理比较麻烦,烟温降低不利于扩散,传统湿法的工艺较复杂,占地面积和投资较大;干法脱硫要求温度较高,并由此产生难以处理的酸雾,且脱硫剂利用率低;半干式脱硫工艺避免了上述两种工艺的缺点,备受关注。喷雾干燥法脱硫法系统简单,投资相对较少,所以对于现有锅炉的烟气脱硫改造是比较适合的方案。本设计主要是燃煤电厂烟气脱硫的方案的比较,对于选定的喷雾干燥法脱硫法系统,进行了比较详细地设计计算。我们通过已知的一些参数,运用一些现有的经验公式确定了脱硫系统各部分一些重要的结构和设计参数。 关键词:烟气脱硫 半干法 喷雾干燥法 燃煤电厂 abstract With the development of modern industry , more and flue gas containing so is sent out from factories resulting in environment pollution and damage to health . So more and more attention is paid on there searching of desulphurization of flue gas . Currently the most widely used business utility of desulfuration on power plant is the flue gas desulfuration . And the FGD can be classified into CACO3/CASO4 wet desulfuration process , atomizing and drying out process and limestone injection into the furnace and calicium oxide activation process . There exists problem of equipment corrosion in wet process , and the problem is difficult to solve , what is more , the flow of wet process is too long , so its use is limited . Dry process must go on with elevated temperature , what is more , efficiency of absorbent utilization was not high , and there exists acid mist that is difficult to deal with , so it is not a satisfactory method either . The semi-dry process gets rid of shortcomings of the two processes mentioned above , so it is interested widely , experimental research of flue gas desulphurization with spray drying was done in this dissertation , was described . If the main equipment of the spray drying was done in this dissertation , was describe


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