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马铃薯机械化生产技巧?目前,云南省的播种机械整体适应性还不是很强,云南种植行距为50~60cm,株距15~32cm,深度8~25cm,差距较大。还有部分地区马铃薯实行套种,与当前推广的播种机规格不配套。云南马铃薯播种机在播种过程中主要存在漏播与重播的问题。一方面是因为马铃薯种子本身就存在形状不一,大小各异的情况。为了尽量较少漏播与重播,可在播种前对马铃薯种子进行筛选,对差异大的种子进行分级处理。另一方面可改进播种器结构。机械收获中存在的问题马铃薯收获机一次可完成挖掘、升运、分离、铺条等工序。在收获过程中,根据云南粘性土壤的性质应尽可能减少损失率,同时土薯应尽可能彻底分离,要确定好最合适的挖掘深度,即掘起的土壤量最少且没有过多的伤薯和漏挖现象,以减少工作阻力。马铃薯收获机械有牵引式、半悬挂式和悬挂式3种,选配时应根据当地的种植情况、土壤条件、动力匹配等因素综合考虑。云南使用的收获机械对土壤含水率要求较高,含水量过高,易造成土壤结块;含水量较低,土块难震碎,都影响土薯分离。此外,各地区种植方式等差异必须重视农艺和农机紧密结合,制定好一套统一的种植农艺要求。此外,云南省内从事马铃薯机械研发的科研单位及生产厂家较少,研制开发力度不够,不能很好的适应云南省马铃薯的实际生产情况。由于云南特殊的地理条件,一些外省引进的机具不能适应云南省马铃薯的收获要求,导致损失率、伤薯率高,明薯率低,分离效果不好,影响了机具的推广使用。应因地制宜,结合云南实际情况,从挖掘、分离等工序着手改进。对大中型机械,关键是防止抖动输出部件碰伤薯块,在升运链速度不变的情况下适当提高行进速度,降低链交接处的高度差、速度差以及末端的抖动幅值或者降低输送链输出端高度及抛薯速度等,达到一个速度最优值。 Currently, seeding machinery whole adaptability is not strong in yunnan province, yunnan plant row spacing is 50 ~ 60 cm, planting distance 15 ~ 32 cm, 8 ~ 25 cm depth, the gap is bigger. There are parts of potato interplanting, seeding machine specs dont match with the current promotion. Yunnan in the process of planting potato seeder leak seeding and the replay of the most important problem. On the one hand is because the potato seeds itself is a different shape, different size. To leak less as far as possible and replay, can be filtered for the potato seeds before seeding, the big differences of seed grading. On the other hand can improve planter structure. Mechanical problems that exist in the potato harvester harvest time can finish digging, elevator, separation, shop etc. During harvest, according to the nature of the cohesive soil in yunnan should as far as possible reduce the loss rate, soil potatoes should be completely separated as far as possible, to determine the most suitable excavation depth, namely, dig up the least amount of soil and no too much potato chips and dig the leakage, to reduce working resistance. Potato harvest machinery has traction type, semi-mounted and hanging 3 kinds, matching should be according to the loc


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