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words Study Can you find out the words about the astronomy(天文学)? astronomy The scientific study of the stars. The person who studies the astronomy is… astronomer天文学家 3. Atmosphere 大气层;气氛 4. solar system太阳系 5. Big bang 宇宙大爆炸 6. explode: burst爆炸 7. comet彗星, telescope望远镜 Can you find the words about the physics(物理)? 1.solid: hard or firm 固体;坚固的 liquid 液体 2. dissolve 溶解 3. gravity地心引力;重力 4. force 力量 5.float 漂浮 6. mass 质量 Can you find the words about the chemistry(化学)? Biochemistry 生物化学 carbon 碳 dioxide 二氧化物 nitrogen 氮 Other important words violent: using force to hurt or attack猛烈的 violence n. violent adj. 2. surface :the covering of sth. 表面;外表 3.development : the changes as plants or animals grow older n.发展 develop v. 4. generally: usually or widely 一般地;通常地 5. prevent…from: stop… from 8. give birth to 1) 生(孩子) She’s just given birth to a healthy baby girl. 她刚刚生了个健康的女婴。 2) 产生 The extraordinary experience gave birth to his latest novel. 这段奇特的经历促成了他的最新的一部 小说的诞生。 Tell him what you want to say; he’s a man to _____. A. count B. believe C. trust D. depend 解析: 相信/信赖某人: count on sb./ believe in sb./depend on sb./trust (in) sb. * * * 1.cheer up : 欢呼,喝彩,感到高兴, 使高兴。 当看到球队的到来,人群欢呼起来。 _____________________ when they saw the team arrive. 他带她去听音乐会来使她高兴。 He took her _____________ to ____________. The crowd cheered up to the concert cheer her up 2.now that :既然,由于 既然每个人都到了,我们就可以开始会议。 _________________________, we can begin the meeting. 由于你是一个大男孩,你就必须行为表现得更好. _______________________, you must behave better. Now that everybody is here Now that you are a big boy 3.get the hang of sth. 查看某物运作 了解…..的意义 我一直想知道这部新的打字机的用法. I’ve been trying to ______________ this new typewriter. 我不十分了解你的论据的意义. I don’t quite __________________ your argument. get the hang of get the hang of 4.in time in time 及时; 终于 She will be back in time to prepare dinner. The doctor came in time to save her life . 医生及时赶来救了她的命。


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