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原文地址:小宝老师GRE?issue课堂完整版笔记—自己打的,累死作者:火星笑客小F Issue 部分 一、Issue写作特点以及写作要点 (一)题干特点 1.显逻辑命题:所见即所得 2.隐逻辑命题:所见并非所得 ①揭示概念; ②补充对偶话题; ③补全逻辑。 (二)题库特点 横向:论证概念 纵向:素材领域 二、写作步骤 ①审题,回忆提纲 2min; ②开头段写作4min; ③正文段33min(3-4段); ④结尾段4min; ⑤检查2min:三大标准:拼写、主谓一致、时态。 三、issue常用论证方法 (一)举例 1. Paragons, such as A and B, respectively, come immediately to my mind…… 2. While such cases are rare, they do occur occasionally…… 3. A case in point relates to sb. in the field of ….. (二)引用 ETS:只引用不注释是无效引用! 1. As a saying goes, “ ”, which is to say, (relation 诠释与文章的关系) . 2. According to a well-known scientist W.X.L(and I paraphrase), ,in other words, . 3. .Such is remark of sb. one of the best-known scientists. (三)数据分析:ETS最喜欢 According to the statistical result of a recent survey, A and B have soared, respectively, by_______ and _______. In contrast, C declined at an accelerating rate, and it is also the case with D. The statistical result illustrates that __. (四)反证法 With A ____. Without A, ______. 四、Issue写作要注意的细节问题 1. 往往一些绝对化的词汇是写作的切入点。 2. 注意逻辑联结词的使用,关联词的使用是否得当非常重要。关联词能够从表面体现你的文章的逻辑性是否强,实际上也可以有效地欺骗改作文的那个计算机。E-rator ①先后次序:previously 先前的 ; anteriorly? 早期的 ; originally 起初的 ; simultaneously 与此同时 ; coinstantaneously ; eventually ; ultimately ②因果关系:duo to ; hens ; owing to ; in respect that ; in virtue of ; on account of ; resultantly 于是,结果是 ; thereupon ; whereupon ③转折关系:yet ; but yet 强转折 ; whereas ; howbeit 强转折 ; nevertheless ; instead ; notwithstanding 但是,然而 ; conversely 相反地 ④递进关系:additionally ; withal 进一步说 ; ulteviorty? ; detailedly? ; minutely ; specifically ⑤类比关系:similarly ; approximatively? ; analogously ; likewise ; by the same token ; in like manner ⑥强调关系:undoubtedly ; determinately ; undeniably ; demonstrably ; definitely ; assuredly ; authentically ; without reservations 3. 语言上要注意的事情: 1)承上启下(过渡)段与段之间/段落内部——用信号词(见教材) 2)句式变换 ①长短句结合(两长一短); ②否定形式的否定句→肯定形式的否定句 切换: … not … → miss, fail, lack, in short of, deny, refuse, reject ③主动→被动(多用,体现客观性) 3)词汇多样性 8组宏观词汇: ①认为、思考: Think — conceive ; acknowledge ; consider ;


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