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笑话习题簿10.17 JOKE: I had fallen and dislocated my elbow, which made writing checks for my small business nearly impossible. I called my bank to explain that the signature on my checks would look odd due to my accident, and would they please honor them anyway. ?Okay, said the woman on the phone, but you 11 have to write a letter to the bank telling them that you are requesting this. 译文: ??????? 我摔倒了,肘骨脱臼了。这使得我几乎不能给我的小生意签账单了。我打电话给银行解释说由于事故,账单上我的签名看起来会有些古怪,并请求他们无论如何给予承兑。 ???  “好的,”电话中的女子说,“但你必须给银行写封信,告诉他们你在作此项请求。” Note: (1) dislocate v.脱离原位;使脱臼   (2) signature n.签名    (3) due to由于    (4) honor v.承认并如期支付 Exercises: 根据短文填空: ① I had fallen and_____ my elbow.    ② It made writing checks for my small business_____ impossible.   ③ I called my bank to_____ that the signature _____my checks would look odd due to my accident. ④ Okay, said the woman_____ the phone. ⑤ But youll have to write a letter to the bank _____them that you are requesting this. 练习参考答案: dislocated ② nearly ③ explain; on ④ on ⑤ telling JOKE: ??? An impoverished graduate student at Clemson University in South California, I was excited when my father informed me that he had bought me a car. Hardly able to contain my enthusiasm, I asked Dad the typical questions: What kind is it? Does it have a stick shift? Does it have a tape deck? ??? It’s a 1982 Toyota, he replied. Its a four speed, and, yes, it has a tape deck . Pleased, I asked what color it was. ??? Well, he said uncomfortably, which part? 译文: ??? 作为南卡罗莱那州克莱姆森大学的一个本科生,我囊中羞涩,当我父亲告诉我他为我买了辆车时,我甚是激动。我几乎控制不住我的热情,问了爸爸几个关键问题:“什么车?有没有手排挡?有没有磁带舱?”   ??? “是1982年产丰田车,”他回答说,“四速,还有,是的,有磁带舱。”我甚是高兴,又问是什么颜色的。    ??? “哦,”他很不舒服地说,“你指哪一部分?” NOTE: (1) impoverished adj. 穷困的    (2) South Carolina??? 南卡罗莱那(美国州名)    (3) inform v.???????? 告知    (4) contain v.??????? 控制(情绪等)    (5) enthusiasm n.???? 热情    (6) typical adj.????? 典型的 (7) stick shift?????? 手排挡    (8) tape deck???????? 磁带舱 Exercises: 根据短文判断下列句子正(T)、误(F): ① The graduate student couldn’t afford a car


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